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What is an example of collateral?

What is an example of collateral?

Collateral is defined as something side by side, or something pledged to guarantee that a loan will be repaid. An example of collateral is someone temporarily giving their phone to a friend in exchange for borrowing an expensive tool; collateral loan.

How do you use collateral damage in a sentence?

Collateral damage in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Collateral damage in their parents’ divorce, the children were not the target of the malicious slander but were hurt anyway.
  2. The public was angry that innocent citizens were killed as collateral damage when the city’s military base was bombed.

What is the simple meaning of collateral?

The term collateral refers to an asset that a lender accepts as security for a loan. Collateral may take the form of real estate or other kinds of assets, depending on the purpose of the loan. The collateral acts as a form of protection for the lender.

What are the different types of collateral?

Types of Collateral

  • Real estate. The most common type of collateral used by borrowers is real estate.
  • Cash secured loan. Cash is another common type of collateral because it works very simply.
  • Inventory financing.
  • Invoice collateral.
  • Blanket liens.
  • Unsecured loans.
  • Online loans.
  • Using a co-maker or co-signer.

Is collateral damage a euphemism?

The term collateral damage, a euphemism for civilian casualty, came into usage during the Vietnam War and over several decades became entrenched in U.S. armed forces jargon. But long before the phrase was coined there were non-combatant victims of wars.

What is meant by collateral beauty?

By collateral beauty, she means the way people act after tragic events – acts of selfless kindness that naturally follow grief and horror. Others have defined it, still in reference to the movie Collateral Beauty, as the “secondary beauty that has an everlasting ripple effect on other people’s lives”.

How do you use the word collateral?

Collateral in a Sentence 🔉

  1. When Matt was arrested, his mother used her home as collateral for his bail.
  2. Jake used his car title as collateral for a loan.
  3. Since my sister has a habit of keeping my clothes, I now ask for collateral when she wants to borrow something.

What is a good collateral security?

A good collateral asset should be cost-effective to hold, operationally easy to use, and easy to take delivery of and to liquidate. Underpinning these attributes, the systems used to manage good collateral assets need secure, central, digital ownership records with transparent data and collateral status.

How can you use the word collateral in a sentence?

Definition of Collateral. something taken as a guarantee for a debt. Examples of Collateral in a sentence. When Matt was arrested, his mother used her home as collateral for his bail. 🔊 Jake used his car title as collateral for a loan. 🔊 Since my sister has a habit of keeping my clothes, I now ask for collateral when she wants to borrow something. 🔊

How to use “collateral damage” in a sentence?

To minimize collateral damage maximum precision in bombing was required.

  • The government denied that there had been any collateral damage during the bombing raid.
  • outrage and fear were not collateral damage.
  • This collateral damage to otherwise healthy bits of tooth may in the end have to be dealt with itself.
  • What is another word for “collateral damage”?

    Words related to collateral damage. (euphemism) inadvertent casualties and destruction inflicted on civilians in the course of military operations. Related Words. euphemism. fatal accident. casualty.