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Why is the Eye of Harmony in the TARDIS?

Why is the Eye of Harmony in the TARDIS?

The Eye of Harmony, also known as Rassilon’s Star or the Eye of Time, was an engineered star of utmost importance to the Time Lords. Although its origins and exact nature, it was the singularity at the centre of the Web of Time and the power source which made all Gallifreyan time travel possible.

How does the master escape the Eye of Harmony?

While the Doctor is traveling with Izzy in the Doctor Who Magazine comics, the Master is shown to have escaped in The Fallen. This is so because the Master had passed through the Eye of Harmony, wandered the time vortex, and was then rescued by Esterath, the controller of the Glory, after being nearly destroyed.

Does every TARDIS have an Eye of Harmony?

Every TARDIS has one. I think of the Eye as it is described in JourneyttCotT– it is a singularity embedded in a supernova. However, in JttCotT it appears to be rather small. I like to think each Eye of Harmony is massive, kept in a TARDIS’s largest room (about a billion miles across).

How is TARDIS powered?

Artron Energy created by the Prime Eye of Harmony on Gallifrey is broadcast into the Space-Time Vortex. This energy travels though the Vortex’s Time Contours. This creates a link between a TARDIS’s Eye and the Prime Eye on Gallifrey. The TARDIS’s Heart then emits the beams of Artron Energy to power a TARDIS.

What does the Tardis use as fuel?

In the fictional world of Doctor Who, the Eye of Harmony is the nucleus of an artificial black hole created by the Time Lords to provide energy for their home world of Gallifrey and their time travel technology.

What did the doctor see in the untempered schism?

The Doctor saw something when he looked into the Untempered Schism, that gap in reality that – as we have seen – can open on to any time and place. Whatever it was, it seems to have prompted him not only to eventually flee Gallifrey but to ‘fight for peace in a universe at war.

Is the TARDIS powered by a black hole?

What is the heart of the Tardis called?

space-time element
The Heart of the TARDIS (also known as space-time element) was a core element of TARDIS technology.

What is Artron energy?

Artron energy was a form of ambient radiation that existed in the time vortex, (AUDIO: Shield of the Jötunn) later described by the Seventh Doctor as a form of mental energy, (PROSE: Timewyrm: Apocalypse) “artron particles” (AUDIO: Shockwave) that could be utilised in a variety of ways.