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Why do I like another guy while in a relationship?

Why do I like another guy while in a relationship?

When Having A Crush While In A Relationship Is OK (And When It’s Not) Feeling attracted to another person is usually harmless. But choosing to act on those feelings could turn an innocent crush into an emotional affair. Having a crush on someone other than your partner while you’re in a relationship is totally normal.

What do you do when you have a boyfriend but you like someone else?

Here, 12 women who’ve fancied people other than their partners explain how they dealt with those feelings.

  • Don’t nurture them.
  • There’s nothing wrong with flirting.
  • Don’t fantasise.
  • Distance yourself from it.
  • Let it run its course.
  • Don’t let it be a source of angst.
  • Make a joke out of it.
  • It could be a warning sign.

Should I break up with my boyfriend if I like someone else?

In fact, you should break up with your significant other “only if you already believed that your partner is not the best match for you” prior to falling for someone else, as licensed clinical psychotherapist and relationship expert Dr. LeslieBeth Wish tells Elite Daily.

Is it OK to look at other guys while in relationship?

What Does It Mean For Your Relationship? So there’s a lot of a wandering eye that can be totally normal and isn’t anything to worry about — just because you’re in a relationship doesn’t mean other people stop being attractive and your brain is going to act on its impulses once in a while.

What do you like the most about your boyfriend?

1. I love his smell. I don’t know if it’s some brand or something god gifted. He smells the right amount of sweet, masculine and flirtatious. Oh yes, I love smelling him like a dog. 2. I love his sweat. Those drops glistening on his skin. I love to touch it. That is so sexy. 3. I love his beard.

What should I do if I like another guy Besides my boyfriend?

The worse thing you can do is keep it from your boyfriend and if you feel like its getting in the way, be honest for his sake and yours. As pressured as you might feel, do not cheat on your boyfriend. I would have to lay extra emphasis on this point.

When to tell your boyfriend you love him?

When you’re serious about your relationship with your boyfriend, you will start feeling a certain way when the two of you spend time together. This is normal. It’s a sign that things are going well in the relationship too! You can tell him that you love the way you feel when you’re with him.

When does a guy make love to you?

If your guy is fine spending the night with you without feeling you up or getting you to touch him, when you do have sex, he is making love. This means sex is important to him and it is meant as something special between you two, something to be shared on occasion and not all the time.