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Why can the photoelectric effect not be explained by a wave only model of electromagnetic radiation?

Why can the photoelectric effect not be explained by a wave only model of electromagnetic radiation?

The photoelectric effect proves that energy is quantised. This means that energy arrives in ‘lumps’ known as quanta. These lumps or packets of energy are called photons. This contradicts the long accepted wave model, where light is considered as an electromagnetic wave, with energy arriving continuously.

Does the wave model of light accurately account for the photoelectric effect?

The wave model cannot account for something known as the photoelectric effect. This effect is observed when light focused on certain metals emits electrons. Max Planck named this minimum amount the “quantum,” plural “quanta,” meaning “how much.” One photon of light carries exactly one quantum of energy.

Does the EM wave model explain the photoelectric effect?

These experimental results strongly indicate that the wave model for electromagnetic waves is not compatible with the photoelectric effect, as no energy variation in the electrons is observed with a change in intensity.

What is photoelectric effect explain with diagram?

photoelectric effect, phenomenon in which electrically charged particles are released from or within a material when it absorbs electromagnetic radiation. The effect is often defined as the ejection of electrons from a metal plate when light falls on it.

Why is photoelectric effect cannot be explained on the basis of wave?

(a)Wave nature of radiation cannot explain the photo electric effects because of : (i) The immediate ejection of photo electrons (ii) The presence of threshold frequency for a metal surface. (iii) The fact that kinetic energy of the emitted electrons is independent of the intensity of light and depends upon its frequency.

How is the photoelectric equation based on particle nature?

(b) Photon picture of electron magnetic radiation on which Einstein’s photoelectric equation is based on particle nature of light . Its basic features are: (i) In interaction with matter radiation behaves as if it is made up of particles called photons. (p=hvc).

When does the photoelectric effect disappear in quantum mechanics?

The basic point is that the effect disappears at a threshold frequency and is not dependent on the intensity of the light impinging on the metal.

Why does Einstein think light is both a wave and a photon?

Einstein concluded that light was both a wave and a particle called a photon. A minority of physicists still think that the idea of quantized light waves is a stupid idea because if you can only ever measure particles with light and light can only ever be measured with particles, light will act like a particle (quanta), even if it isn’t.