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What should you do if your vehicle stalls on railroad tracks and Cannot be restarted immediately?

What should you do if your vehicle stalls on railroad tracks and Cannot be restarted immediately?

Your vehicle stalls on railroad tracks and cannot be restarted immediately. What should you do next? Get any passengers out of the vehicle and away from the tracks if there is a train coming.

What should you do as you are approaching an intersection if there is a car following very close to your rear bumper *?

You should: Continue through the intersection, pull to the right, and stop. You see a car approaching from the rear.

What factors must you consider before you decide to pass the vehicle ahead?

when deciding whether to pass a vehicle ahead of you, the most important factor to consider is… the space and time needed to pass. before changing lanes, the most important thing you should do is: make sure the area and travel path are open.

Are you supposed to stop before railroad tracks?

You should be prepared for a train to come at any time, day or night. Never stop on railroad tracks. Usually by the time a train conductor sees you, it is too late for the train to stop. When traffic is heavy, wait off the tracks until you are sure you can drive over them without stopping.

What to do if car breaks down on train tracks?

What to Do If Your Vehicle Stalls or Hangs up On the Tracks

  1. GET OUT IMMEDIATELY. Evacuate your vehicle.
  2. Move away. Walk toward the oncoming train, and away from the tracks at a 45-degree angle.
  3. Locate the emergency phone number.
  4. Call for help!

What should the driver do if the engine of your automatic transmission car stalls?

The engine of your automatic transmission vehicle stalls. You should…. shift to a lower gear and restart. leave the selector in DRIVE and restart.

What is a concern when cresting a hill?

Approaching the crest of a hill At night you are likely to be able to see headlights. Sometimes you could find wildlife on the road the other side of a hill – animals won’t be able to see you coming and the geography of the hill could also make it more difficult to hear your vehicle coming.

What are three signs that your vehicle is hydroplaning?

Behind the wheel, hydroplaning feels like the vehicle is floating or veering in a direction on its own. When this happens you’ve lost braking and steering control. Sometimes not all four wheels are involved.

When beginning to parallel park your vehicle you should be?

Always signal first, and then position your vehicle parallel with the vehicle parked (rear bumpers of both vehicles are aligned) in front of the empty spot. Keep at least two feet away from this vehicle (see figure). Check to make sure the way is clear behind you, and shift into reverse.