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What is the moral of the story the patriot?

What is the moral of the story the patriot?

The poem, ‘The Patriot’ by Robert Browning is primarily based on the theme of rising and the fall of fortune. A patriot can be acclaimed one day but can be degraded the very next day. In the poem, the narrator, who happens to be the patriot is initially welcomed with joy and paths of roses by the people around him.

What is the central message of poem The Patriot?

The central message of the poem the patriot is that we should keep on doing good work for others but shouldn’t not wait for anything in return.

What do we learn about the Patriots nature in the beginning of the poem?

The Patriot is majorly based on the theme of rising and fall of fortune. The narrator, the patriot is welcomed with feverish joy and paths of roses in the first two stanzas by the townspeople. The first stanza itself mentions flags fluttering on the church spires also; the patriot is welcomed with ringing bells.

What is the irony in the poem patriot?

The entire poem is based on irony as the people who once used to revere the man and put him on a pedestal became the same people who deserted him and even killed him at the end. The Patriot is divided into six stanzas, each of which is a different chapter of the Patriot’s life.

What does Myrtle symbolize in the patriot?

Myrtle: It is a symbol of purity, love, innocence and generosity.

What does the rain symbolize in the patriot?

Rain: Symbolizes loss, death or tears, sadness and sometimes despair as well. In this poem it symbolizes a period of trial.

What does roses symbolize in the patriot?

Roses: In the poem roses symbolize the welcome with respect, honor and passion. Path: It is used in the poem to symbolize the political career.

Why was the Patriot welcomed as a hero?

The patriot was welcomed because he had won a grand victory. He did whatever he could do for his countrymen. And he did his best. He was welcomed like a hero.

What tells you that the Patriot was overambitious What was the result?

The patriot himself says that he would do anything in order to make his friends and family happy . He would even reach the Sun and bring to them . This tells us that he was over ambitious . The result of being over – ambitious was that people suddenly changed their attitude.

How was the Patriot paid by the world?

the idea is that the poet said that he is paid by the world for yearly misdeeds by stones and everyone forgot his good works but he now goes to the hand of who will give him justice.

Who is the speaker of above lines Why is his path filled with roses?

Why is his path filled with roses? Ans: The speaker of the above lines is a national hero. He is looked upon as a patriot. He is given a rousing welcome when he comes Roses are strewn all over his path in his honour.

What would have happened if the Patriot has died in excess of joy at his?

What would have happened if the Patriot has died in excess of joy? Answer. The patriot thinks that if he had died in excess of joy at his tumultuous welcome after his grand victory, then God would not had cared for him, since he would had been rewarded by the people.

What is the central message of the Patriot?

If you mean the poem “The Patriot ” by Robert Browning, the message is that actions a patriot is acclaimed for one day can be his/her downfall the next. A good example is Browning’s England during the reign of King Charles I. For one side it was patriotic to support the king.

Who are the main characters in the Patriot?

The movie follows the life of an America patriot named Benjamin Martin. He is the father of seven children and is a widower. He and his family lived on their plantation and work the land alongside of free, employed African American men, and a few slaves. Throughout the movie, Benjamin changes his mindset…

What does Myrtle symbolize in the Patriot?

What does Myrtle symbolize in the patriot? Path: It is used in the poem to symbolize the political career. Myrtle: It is a symbol of purity, love, innocence and generosity. Spires: A symbol for hopeful gestures and strength.

Where was the movie The Patriot the Patriot filmed?

Well, then the answer is most definitely NO!” – The Patriot The Patriot was directed and produced by Roland Emmerich in 2000 and filmed in Charleston, South Carolina where parts of the movie were actually based.