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What is an atom with the same number of protons but different number of neutrons?

What is an atom with the same number of protons but different number of neutrons?

Atoms of the same element, containing the same number of protons, but different numbers of neutrons, are known as isotopes. Isotopes of any given element all contain the same number of protons, so they have the same atomic number (for example, the atomic number of helium is always 2).

What are atoms that have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons quizlet?

Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons. Therefore, isotopes have the same atomic number (number of protons) but a different mass number (number of protons plus number of neutrons).

Can an atom have a different number of neutrons?

The number of neutrons can be different, even in atoms of the same element. Atoms of the same element that contain the same number of protons, but different numbers of neutrons, are known as isotopes.

Which two has the same mass number?

Atoms of an element with the same mass number make up an isotope of the element. Different isotopes of the same element cannot have the same mass number, but isotopes of different elements often do have the same mass number, e.g., carbon-14 (6 protons and 8 neutrons) and nitrogen-14 (7 protons and 7 neutrons).

Which elements have the same number of neutrons?

Atoms with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons are called isotopes. Because the number of neutrons can vary for a given element, the mass numbers of different atoms of an element may also vary….Mass Number.

Chemical Symbol Name
Pb Lead Plumbum

Which element has a total of 79 protons?

Name Gold
Atomic Number 79
Atomic Mass 196.967 atomic mass units
Number of Protons 79
Number of Neutrons 118

Can an atom exist without neutron?

There is only one stable atom that does not have neutrons. It is an isotope of the element hydrogen called protium. Protium, which contains a single proton and a single electron, is the simplest atom. All other stable atoms contain some number of neutrons.

Can 2 elements have the same atomic number?

No, because each element has its own specific property, BUT certain elements have similar properties, like elements in the same family. Meaning each element has more protons in their atoms than the previous.

Can 2 elements have the same mass?

Different isotopes of the same element cannot have the same mass number, but isotopes of different elements often do have the same mass number, e.g., carbon-14 (6 protons and 8 neutrons) and nitrogen-14 (7 protons and 7 neutrons).

Can two atoms have same atomic mass?

Two terms we use to identify nuclides (isotopes) are atomic number and mass number. Two atoms with the same atomic number, but different mass numbers (same number of protons, different number of neutrons), are called isotopes, or isotopic nuclides.

What are atoms called that have the same number of protons?

Atoms of the same element having different sums of protons and neutrons are called isotopes. Isotopes of the same element have the same number of protons, but different numbers of neutrons. When two atoms have the same number of protons but diffrent number of neutrons?

Is it possible to have only one proton in an atom?

In fact, it’s actually possible to have an atom consisting of only a proton (ionized hydrogen). The periodic table is arranged in order of increasing atomic number, so the number of protons is the element number. For hydrogen, the number of protons is 1. For zinc, the number of protons is 30. The element of an atom with 2 protons is always helium.

Why are there more neutrons than electrons in an atom?

Neutrons do not have a net electric charge, so the number of neutrons does not matter in the calculation. The number of protons of an atom cannot change via any chemical reaction, so you add or subtract electrons to get the correct charge. If an ion has a 2+ charge, like Zn 2+, this means there are two more protons than electrons.

Which is an isotope with one proton and two neutrons?

Deuterium and tritium are also isotopes of hydrogen with 1 and 2 neutrons respectively. Helium has an atomic mass of 4.003. This shows the most common isotope to be a mass number of 4 since the average of isotopes is so close to 4. That is two protons and two neutrons.