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What is a tributary simple definition?

What is a tributary simple definition?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : a stream feeding a larger stream or a lake. 2 : a ruler or state that pays tribute to a conqueror.

Where is a tributary?

A tributary is a stream or river that flows into and joins a main river. It does not flow directly into the sea. The place where the tributary and the main river meet is called a confluence.

What is a tributary class 9?

Tributaries are small streams of water that originates from the glacier and join together to form a river. Distributaries are formed when the river breaks down into small streamlets or channels.

What is an example of a tributary?

A tributary is a branch that flows into the main stream, like the White River, the Arkansas River, the Yazoo River ,and the Red River — each a tributary of the mighty Mississippi.

What is a tributary answer?

A tributary or affluent is a stream or river that flows into a larger stream or main stem river or a lake. A tributary does not flow directly into a sea or ocean. Tributaries and the main stem river drain the surrounding drainage basin of its surface water and groundwater, leading the water out into an ocean.

What are tributaries in one sentence?

A tributary is a stream or river that flows into a larger one.

What is the largest tributary in the world?

Madeira river
The Irtysh is a chief tributary of the Ob river and is also the longest tributary river in the world with a length of 4,248 km (2,640 mi). The Madeira river is the largest tributary river by volume in the world with an average discharge of 31,200 m3/s (1,100,000 cu ft/s).

What is a famous tributary?

Well-Known Tributaries For example, the Missouri River is the largest tributary of the Mississippi River, and the confluence of Missouri River and Mississippi River is located in St. Louis, Missouri.

What is the Bhabar Class 9?

Complete Answer: Bhabar is a narrow belt which lies parallel to the Shiwalik range. in the belt of Bhabar when they come down from the mountains. The width of this belt is about 8 to 10 km. This narrow belt runs in East to West direction along the foot of the Shiwalik range of the Himalayas.

What is the Terai zone class 9?

Tarai – Tarai, also spelled Terai, region of northern India and southern Nepal running parallel to the lower ranges of the Himalayas. A strip of undulating former marshland, it stretches from the Yamuna River in the west to the Brahmaputra River in the east.

What causes a tributary?

A tributary is a freshwater stream that feeds into a larger stream or river. Tributaries, also called affluents, do not flow directly into the ocean. Most large rivers are formed from many tributaries. Each tributary drains a different watershed, carrying runoff and snowmelt from that area.

What is it called when the tributary meets a river?

A tributary is a stream or river that flows into and joins a main river. It does not flow directly into the sea. The place where the tributary and the main river meet is called a confluence. The origins of a tributary are called its source.

What does tributary mean in a river?

A tributary or affluent is a stream or river that flows into a larger stream or main stem (or parent) river or a lake. A tributary does not flow directly into a sea or ocean.

What ia an example of a tributary?

The definition of a tributary is a steam that flows into a larger body of water. An example of a tributary is a stream that empties into an ocean . Tributary means paying tribute or contributory. An example of tributary used as an adjective is the phrase tributary gifts which are gifts which are given to pay tribute to someone.

What is the name of a famous tributary?

River Anduin and its famous tributary, river Entwash. A tributary or affluent is a stream or river which flows into a “main stem” (or parent) river. A tributary does not flow directly into a sea, ocean, or lake.