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What economic changes were brought about by the Commercial Revolution in Europe?

What economic changes were brought about by the Commercial Revolution in Europe?

Economic changes that came during the Commercial Revolution include inflation due to the flood of gold and silver into Europe, the stock exchange, and what we recognize today as the modern banking system.

What was the Commercial Revolution and what was its impact on Europe?

The Commercial Revolution consisted of the creation of a European economy based on trade, which began in the 11th century and lasted until it was succeeded by the Industrial Revolution in the mid-18th century. Beginning with the Crusades, Europeans rediscovered spices, silks, and other commodities rare in Europe.

Who were new economic elites in the Commercial Revolution?

The new merchant class grew into the nobility and the gentry. For example, the Hidalgos and Caballeros in Spain were the new economic elite in the country that arose from the former middle class.

What were the immediate economic results of the Commercial Revolution?

How did the Commercial Revolution increase and change the economies of Europe? The Commercial Revolution encourage trade through the discovery of trade routes to Asia and Africa. Trade resulted in exploration and the conquering of new lands, which brought power to many nations.

What was the most significant effect of the commercial revolution in Europe?

Overall, the increase in quality, quantity, and efficiency of goods were the main positive impacts of the Industrial Revolution. The Commercial Revolution: An expansion of trade and business in Medieval Society. One of the most prominent effects of the commercial revolution was mercantilism.

What was a result of the commercial revolution?

As money poured in from this new global trade, Europe continued to transform. The Commercial Revolution also caused a population explosion. Simply put, as wealth flooded the continent, it allowed for larger families. In turn, these larger families created a work force to sustain and grow Europe’s new global economy.

What were three effects of the commercial revolution?

Among the features associated with it were a surge in overseas trade, the appearance of the chartered company, acceptance of the principles of mercantilism, the creation of a money economy, increased economic specialization, and the establishment of such new institutions as the state bank, the bourse, and the futures …

How long did the commercial revolution last?

The Commercial Revolution was a period of European economic expansion, colonialism, and mercantilism which lasted from approximately the late 13th century until the early 18th century.

What social changes did the commercial revolution cause?

What social changes were caused by the commercial revolution of the Middle Ages? The use of money caused serfs to pay for the land in rent rather than with labor. A new middle class of people appeared: merchants, traders, artisans. Women were allowed to carry on trade and buy and sell their own property.

What was one major difference between the commercial revolution and the Industrial Revolution?

What was one major difference between commercial revolution and the industrial revolution? The Commercial Revolution shifted European workers away from farms, while the Industrial Revolution caused a majority of Europeans to return to farms.

What were three effects of the Commercial Revolution?

What social changes did the Commercial Revolution cause?

How did trade change Europe during the Commercial Revolution?

As trade routes grew between the New World colonies and Old World Europe, the European continent was transformed. Although there were many factors that led to this, today we’re going to highlight mercantilism, banking and joint-stock companies. Are you a student or a teacher?

What was the effect of the Commercial Revolution?

Q: What were some of the effects of the Commercial Revolution? The Commercial Revolution helped to connect Europe with the rest of the world through trade, commerce, and investing. It brought the European influence to other countries, and in turn these countries influenced Europe when it came to food, clothing, and other items.

Where did the commercial revolution take place in Europe?

Commercial Revolution. Written By: Commercial Revolution, Great increase in commerce in Europe that began in the late Middle Ages. It received stimulus from the voyages of exploration undertaken by England, Spain, and other nations to Africa, Asia, and the New World.

How did mercantilism change the economy of Europe?

However, we weren’t told how the system of mercantilism transformed Europe. First, the Commercial Revolution changed Europe from a local economy to a global one. Before the revolution, most goods were produced for family use or to be sold within local towns and villages.