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What does Hamlet find out about the land they are fighting over?

What does Hamlet find out about the land they are fighting over?

Hamlet asks about the basis of the conflict, and the man tells him that the armies will fight over “a little patch of land / That hath in it no profit but the name” (IV. Disgusted with himself for having failed to gain his revenge on Claudius, Hamlet declares that from this moment on, his thoughts will be bloody.

What does Hamlet think when he learns that the Norwegians are planning to fight Poland over a worthless patch of land?

On his way to England, Hamlet observes Fortinbras leading his troops through Denmark toward Poland. He questions a captain and learns that the Norwegians plan to wage war over a worthless patch of land in Poland. Hamlet finally realizes that his duty to revenge is so great that the end must justify the means.

Why are Norway and Denmark fight in Hamlet?

After the Ghost vanishes, Horatio explains that King Hamlet (Prince Hamlet’s father) had slain King Fortinbras of Norway in combat and reclaimed land for Denmark. He adds that young Fortinbras “Of unimproved mettle hot and full” (1.1. 96) is massing an army to win back the land that King Hamlet had taken.

What are the Norwegian soldiers fighting over Hamlet?

What are the Norwegian soldiers fighting over? Watching the troops attacking, Hamlet decides that he is less of a man than their leader. Why does he say that? He has a better reason to fight than the leader, but he does not fight.

Why does Ophelia go crazy?

Why does Ophelia go mad? Ophelia goes mad because her father, Polonius, whom she deeply loved, has been killed by Hamlet. The fact that this grief drives Ophelia to madness reveals her overwhelming feelings of hopelessness and powerlessness, and the power that the men in Ophelia’s life wield over her.

What is Claudius’s main concern?

Claudius’s main concern is that Hamlet has discovered that he, Claudius, killed Hamlet’s father. Claudius shows no grief that Polonius has been killed: he apparently doesn’t care. Claudius’s acute concern is to save his own skin.

How did King Fortinbras of Norway lose his lands?

What I can find in the eNotes is that he lost them in battle against King Hamlet– the same battle which claimed his life. I believe young Fortinbras is angry because, like Hamlet, he lost his rightful throne after his uncle took power.

Why is the ghost of old Hamlet denied his eternal rest?

(Act I) Why is the ghost of Old Hamlet denied his eternal rest? Since he was murdered, he never got to confess and be forgiven for his sins. He wants Hamlet to stay at Elsinore to offer him the throne, but only wants him to look after him.

What is Hamlet’s attitude in the final scene?

Hamlet’s attitude in the final scence is different from the previous scenes since he does not want to take revenge against his father’s murderer, Claudius, and he feels sorry for Laertes. Hamlet killed Laertes’ father and now he would like to make peace with him. In spite of these decisions, Hamlet still feels unhappy.

Who is to blame for Ophelia’s death?

Gertrude, The Queen of Denmark, is responsible for Ophelia’s death. By looking at Gertrude’s over protective relationship with Hamlet, her lack of initiative on the situations around her in a time of tragedy, as well as her vivid account of Ophelia’s death, evidence that…show more content…

Does anything Ophelia say make sense?

Yes, Ophelia does say some things that make sense, especially in Act 4, scene 5. She begins by singing, “He is dead and gone, lady, / He is dead and gone; / At his head a grass-green turf, / At his heels a stone” (4.5. 34-37).

Why does Gertrude think Hamlet is mad?

Queen Gertrude, who is Hamlet’s mother, speculates that the cause of this disturbance may be that he is in love with Ophelia, daughter of Polonius. This would be a very unequal match for a Prince of Denmark. The Queen then enlists Ophelia’s aid in helping discern Hamlet’s mental state.

What does hamlet learn about Norway and Poland from Fortinbras?

What does Hamlet learn about the land over which Norway and Poland are set to fight from the captain in Fortinbras’ army? The land is essentially worthless. What does Hamlet vow at the conclusion of his “How all occasions do inform against me” soliloquy? He vows to recommit all of his thoughts and energies to revenge.

Where does hamlet go on his way to exile?

Hamlet, on his way to exile in England, meets a captain in Fortinbras’ army. He learns that Fortinbras and his army are marching to Poland to regain “a little patch of ground/That hath no profit in it but the name” (4.4.19).

Who was the king of Norway in Hamlet?

2. After the Ghost vanishes, Horatio explains that King Hamlet (Prince Hamlet’s father) had slain King Fortinbras of Norway in combat and reclaimed land for Denmark. He adds that young Fortinbras “Of unimproved mettle hot and full” (1.1.96) is massing an army to win back the land that King Hamlet had taken.

How did Fortinbras redirect his conflict to Poland?

Fortinbras will redirect his conflict to Poland. 5. Hamlet, on his way to exile in England, meets a captain in Fortinbras’ army. He learns that Fortinbras and his army are marching to Poland to regain “a little patch of ground/That hath no profit in it but the name” (4.4.19).