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What did Jedediah Smith achieve while exploring?

What did Jedediah Smith achieve while exploring?

Jedediah Smith’s explorations were significant in opening the American West and included several “firsts,” such as being the first white man to cross what would become the states of Utah and Nevada, the first to enter California by the overland route, the first to scale the High Sierras, and the first explorer to reach …

Why is Jedediah important to Utah?

Jedediah Strong Smith (1798-1831) was a fur trapper and explorer credited for being one of the first white men to explore much of what is now Utah. Jedediah S. Smith was a trailblazer, brigade leader, and partner in two fur-trading companies whose travels took him throughout Utah and the West.

What challenges did Jedediah face?

Official suspicion and harassment made his stay unpleasant, so in early 1827 he traveled east across the Sierras, leaving some of his men and all of the furs in California. Later that same year Smith made a second trip to California. This time he suffered two of the worst defeats in fur trade history.

How was Jedediah killed?

Jedediah Smith, one of the nation’s most important trapper-explorers, is killed by Comanche tribesman on the Santa Fe Trail.

When did Jedediah Smith get attacked by a bear?

Jedediah Smith’s Grizzly Encounter. Hugh Glass was not the only Ashley man to suffer a savage grizzly attack in the fall of 1823. Jedediah Smith had signed on as a hunter with William Ashley and Andrew Henry in 1822.

Where did Jedediah Smith go on his journey?

Jedediah Smith. Instead, in 1827, he journeyed to the American River near Sacramento, California, and then crossed the Sierra Nevada and the desert to return to the Great Salt Lake. He thus became the first American to return from California on an overland route.

How did Jedediah Smith contribute to the westward expansion?

Surviving three Native American massacres and one bear mauling, Jedediah Smith’s explorations and documented travels were important resources to later American westward expansion . In March 1831, while in St. Louis, Smith requested of Secretary of War John H. Eaton a federally funded exploration of the West, but to no avail.

When did Jedediah Smith make it to California?

Later, in 1827, he retraced his steps from the Great Salt Lake to southern California, but this time Mojave people attacked his party and killed 10 of his 18 men. He and the other survivors made it to California and then in 1828 proceeded north up the coast to Oregon.

What did Jedediah Smith’s father do in Fort Vancouver?

Simpson’s father was the first cousin of Alexander Mackenzie ‘s father-in law. Mackenzie was the first European to travel across the North American continent and reach the Pacific Ocean, where he helped establish Fort Vancouver in 1824. Smith visited Fort Vancouver in 1828. Regions of the Missouri River Watershed.