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What classes do I need for cosmetology?

What classes do I need for cosmetology?

Most cosmetology school curriculums include classes in the following seven areas:

  1. General Cosmetology.
  2. Hair Coloring.
  3. Nail Care.
  4. Skin Care.
  5. Makeup Application.
  6. Salon Management.

Can you go to cosmetology school in high school?

Most beauty schools require students to be at least 16 years old to enroll in their courses. This means it may be possible for a junior or senior in high school to begin their cosmetology training before graduation.

What do you do in cosmetology in high school?

What Students Learn in Cosmetology High Schools

  • hair care.
  • coloring.
  • barbering.
  • nail care.
  • skin care.
  • hair removal.
  • makeup application and removal.

What is cosmetology degree called?

A cosmetology certificate, sometimes called a diploma, introduces students to fundamentals of hair, skin, and nail care, frequently emphasizing one of these areas. For example, a certificate designed to train nail technicians can last for as few as six months.

How long does it take to become a cosmetologist?

There are regional variations, but on average, the length of time to complete cosmetology training and licensing can be four to five years, not including high school. If you study part-time, it could take longer. During this time you will spend: Two years earning an associate degree.

What are the requirements to get into a cosmetology school?

Meet the basic age and educational requirements. Most cosmetology programs require you to be at least 16 years of age and to have a high school diploma or a

  • Complete cosmetology school. Most schools take between 9-15 months to complete.
  • Consider specializing.
  • Pass your licensing exam.
  • What you can expect to learn in cosmetology school?

    Courses in cosmetology will provide you with a variety of skills

  • and gain hands-on experience in the salon. Cosmetology school provides a real-world workplace experience.
  • The time you spend in the program will depend on the training hours you need.
  • What are the classes needed for cosmetology?

    An associate degree program at a community college will require at least 60 semester hours and normally takes two years. The cosmetology curriculum includes both theoretical classes and hands-on practice. Some typical classes include hair analysis, instrument handling, hair cutting and scalp conditioning .

    What do you learn at cosmetology school?

    Cosmetology school students learn in-depth about the anatomy of the skin, hair, and nails. These parts of the human body are complex and protect the rest of the body from irritants and damage.