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What are 5 facts about the stratosphere?

What are 5 facts about the stratosphere?

Four Facts About the Stratosphere

  • Stratosphere Facts and Stratosphere Definition. The stratosphere altitude is still high, though.
  • Temperature Increases With Height.
  • The Stratosphere Is Where Jets Like to Fly.
  • The Ozone Layer Is in the Stratosphere.
  • Swans, Cranes and Vultures Can Fly in the Stratosphere.

Why is the mesosphere hard to study?

It is tough to study mesosphere, therefore, less is known about the layer of the atmosphere in comparison to the other layers. It is tough as weather balloons cannot fly high enough to reach the mesosphere. The satellites orbit above the mesosphere, and cannot directly determine the traits of the layer.

What are four facts about the thermosphere?

The main components of air in the thermosphere include helium, atomic nitrogen, and atomic oxygen. The thermosphere absorbs a lot of the UV radiation and X-ray given off by the sun. When the sun is more active and the thermosphere heats up more, this layer of earth’s atmosphere increases in size.

What are some interesting facts about the mesosphere?

Facts About The Mesosphere 1 The mesosphere is the third layer of the atmosphere (above the troposphere and stratosphere.) 2 It extends from a height of approximately 65 km (40 miles) to 85 km (53 miles) above the Earth’s surface. 3 It borders the stratosphere below through a thin transitional space called the stratopause.

How thick is mesosphere kilometers?

The mesosphere is 22 miles (35 kilometers) thick. The air is still thin, so you wouldn’t be able to breathe up in the mesosphere. But there is more gas in this layer than there is out in the thermosphere.

Is the ionosphere above or below the mesosphere?

The thermosphere which consists of the ionosphere and exosphere are above the mesosphere. These layers of the atmosphere contain just  0.001% of air mass over the Earth. If space rocks fall towards Earth, it’s in the mesosphere where they burn up.

How are meteors burning up in the mesosphere?

Some people call them shooting stars. Those meteors are burning up in the mesosphere. The meteors make it through the exosphere and thermosphere without much trouble because those layers don’t have much air.