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What 7 countries do the Andes run through in South America?

What 7 countries do the Andes run through in South America?

The Andes Mountains extend over seven countries: Argentina (Mount Aconcagua), Bolivia (Huayna Potosi), Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela, known as Andean States.

Which four countries in Latin America have the most desert scrub vegetation?

What four countries have the most desert scrub? Chile and Peru have the most desert vegetation in Latin America. Brazil, Venezuela, Columbia, and Mexico have the most desert scrub in Latin America.

Which 2 countries and a neighboring territory have the lowest population in Lat Am?

The 2 countries and the neighboring territory that have the lowest population density are Guyana, Suriname and French Guinea.

Which three Latin American countries have the most land for livestock?

The three Latin American countries that have the most land for livestock raising are Argentina, Brazil, and Venezuela. Argentina is the best for livestock raising, because there are several climates with temperate grassland vegetation.

Which is longest mountain in the world?


Rank Range Max. elevation
1 Andes 6,962 m (22,841 ft)
2 Southern Great Escarpment 3,482 m (11,424 ft)
3 Rocky Mountains 4,401 m (14,439 ft)
4 Transantarctic Mountains 4,528 m (14,856 ft)

What is the longest mountain on Earth?

The mid-ocean ridge is the longest mountain range on Earth. Spanning 40,389 miles around the globe, it’s truly a global landmark. About 90 percent of the mid-ocean ridge system is under the ocean.

Which two countries have the most oil in Latin American?

Two countries currently dominate Central and South American oil production: Venezuela and Brazil. Traditionally, Venezuela had been South America’s biggest producer. Its oil reserves (18% of the world’s total) outstrip those of Saudi Arabia.

What is the most common climate in Latin America?

The climate of Latin America ranges from the hot and humid Amazon River basin to the dry and desert-like conditions of northern Mexico and southern Chile. Rain forest, desert, and savanna are all found in the region. The vegetation varies from rain forests to grass- lands and desert scrub.

What country in Latin America has the lowest population density?

Falkland Islands
The average population density in South America is 56 persons per square mile. However, population density ranges between countries. Ecuador has the highest population density, while the Falkland Islands have the lowest….South American Countries by Population Density.

Rank 1
Country / Territory Ecuador
Area (km²) 283,561
Density (persons/km²). 52.9

Which two countries have the most oil in Latin America?

What is the dominant religion in Central America?

The majority of people in this region are Roman Catholic. In most of these countries, the Catholic population ranges from 80 to 90 percent.

Is K2 taller than Everest?

K2 is the second highest mountain in the world after Mount Everest; at 8,611 metres above sea level, it’s roughly 250 metres shy of Everest’s famed peak.

What are seven countries lying southeast of Mexico and northwest of Colombia?

The seven countries lying southeast of Mexico and northwest of Colombia are Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Belize, Panama, Nicaragua, and Honduras. The land in these countries is used for commercial farming and subsistence farming. What is the main climate zone of the two largest islands that lie near 20 N latitude?

Where are the desert countries in Latin America?

Desert: Peru and Chile Desert Scrub: Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela, and Colombia What are the 7 Latin American countries that lie southeast of Mexico and northwest of Colombia? What type of land is used in these countries? Countries: Guatemala, Costa Rica, Honduras, Belize, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Panamá.

Which is the most arid country in Latin America?

Chile has Arid, Semiarid, highlands, Mediterranean, and Marine West Coast climates. What are the two Latin America countries that have the most desert vegetation? What are the four countries with the most desert SCRUB vegetation? The two Latin American countries with the most desert vegetation are Peru and Chile.

What are the countries that the Andes Mountains run through?

Terms in this set (10) What countries do the Andes Mountains run through? The Andes Mountains run through Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela.