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How has the brown tree snake affected Guam?

How has the brown tree snake affected Guam?

When the brown tree snake (Boiga irregularis) was accidentally introduced to Guam it caused the local extinction of most of the island’s native bird and lizard species. It also caused “cascading” ecological effects by removing native pollinators, causing the subsequent decline of native plant species.

What are the negative effects of the invasion of brown tree snakes on Guam?

When the brown tree snake (Boiga irregularis) was accidentally introduced to Guam it caused the local extinction of most of the island’s native bird and lizard species. It also caused \”cascading\” ecological effects by removing native pollinators, causing the subsequent decline of native plant species.

What damage did the brown tree snake cause?

The brown treesnake was a major contributor to the loss of nine of 11 native forest birds and significant population declines of several native lizards, bats and other bird species on Guam.

Why is brown tree snake important?

The snake is responsible for the decline of the flying fox, a crucial species for the pollination and seed dispersal of tropical trees. Also, without the presence of certain avian insectivores, the insect population may experience a population boom and therefore negatively impact local agriculture.

Why was the brown tree snake considered an invasive species in Guam?

As a result of abnormally abundant prey resources on Guam and the absence of natural predators and other population controls, brown tree snake populations reached unprecedented numbers.

What do brown tree snakes eat in Guam?

The snakes feed on lizards, birds, small mammals, and eggs. Since the treesnake has no natural predators or other controls on Guam, it multiplied rapidly and has virtually wiped out Guam’s native forest birds. The snakes also crawl on electrical lines and cause expensive power outages and electrical damage.

What is being done to get rid of the brown tree snake?

Efforts to remove brown tree snakes from Guam rely on two strategies: 1) live-trapping and 2) aerial delivery of toxic bait (dead acetomephine-laced neo-natal mice). Aerial treatment of the snakes is the only practical option for landscape-scale suppression in Guam’s forested habitats.

What is the economic impact of the brown tree snake?

Economic models predicted that the establishment of a population of brown tree snakes in Hawaii would result in an estimated $593 million to $2.14 billion in yearly damages to Hawaii’s economy and the loss of 1,400 to 13,000 jobs.

How does the brown tree snake affect the economy?

What is being done about the brown tree snake?

In the case of the brown treesnake, prevention efforts include working to detect stowaway snakes before they leave the island, as well as extreme vigilance on islands where the snakes are most likely to invade.

How do you get rid of brown tree snakes?

Is Guam full of snakes?

This snake is infamous for being an invasive species responsible for extirpating the majority of the native bird population in Guam. It is also one of the very few colubrids found in Australia, where elapids are more common….

Brown tree snake
Suborder: Serpentes
Family: Colubridae
Genus: Boiga
Species: B. irregularis

How is the brown tree snake affecting Guam?

But the biggest impact has been on the wildlife – it has been decimated. The forests here are eerily quiet. Now the only place where the Guam’s native birds, such as the koko, can be seen on the island are in cages in a captive breeding centre. “The brown tree snake has had a devastating impact.

Where to report brown treesnakes in the Pacific Islands?

Two recent reports of two brown treesnakes on Saipan is prompting federal and state officials to urge citizens of Hawaii, Guam and other Pacific Islands to report any sightings of these invasive snakes to authorities. Snakes can be reported by calling (671) 777-HISS or (670) 28-SNAKE.

Where did the brown tree snake come from?

The snake was first sighted on the island of Guam in the 1950s, probably after stowing away on cargo ships coming from New Guinea. In 2020, a population of brown treesnakes was discovered on Cocos Island, a small atoll of the southern shore of Guam… What is an invasive species and why are they a problem?

How to prevent the spread of the Brown treesnake?

If the brown treesnake gets to any other snake-free islands, it will find a veritable banquet of prey animals, and the same devastation of wildlife could happen there as has happened on Guam. Getting ahead of the curve and implementing prevention efforts from the beginning are essential, before an alien species becomes a problem.