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How do you use impetus in a sentence?

How do you use impetus in a sentence?

Impetus in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The high crime rate was the impetus for the hiring of one hundred new police officers in our city.
  2. Because the new president was once a military commander, he has a great deal of experience being an impetus for change.

What is an example sentence?

An “example sentence” is a sentence written to demonstrate usage of a particular word in context. An example sentence is invented by its writer to show how to use a particular word properly in writing. Example sentences are colloquially referred to as ‘usexes’, a blend of use + example.

What is an impetus person?

adjective. of, relating to, or characterized by sudden or rash action, emotion, etc.; impulsive: an impetuous decision; an impetuous person. having great impetus; moving with great force; violent: the impetuous winds.

What is a word for acting without thinking?

If someone is impulsive, it means that they act on instinct, without thinking decisions through. We might also call impulsive behavior whimsical or capricious.

What are 10 examples of simple sentences?

50 examples of simple sentences

  • She doesn’t study German on Monday.
  • Does she live in Paris?
  • He doesn’t teach math.
  • Cats hate water.
  • Every child likes an ice cream.
  • 6.My brother takes out the trash.
  • The course starts next Sunday.
  • She swims every morning.

What is simple sentence in English grammar?

A simple sentence contains only one independent clause. An independent clause is a group of words that has a subject and a verb and can stand alone as a complete thought. These kinds of sentences have only one independent clause, and they don’t contain any subordinate clauses.

What are three sentences?

Three essential types of sentence are declarative sentences (which are statements), interrogative sentences (which are questions), and imperative sentences (which are orders). Join us as we give examples of each!

Does impetus mean motivation?

What does the word impetus mean? This word means something that encourages a particular action or activity, or makes that activity more effective or energized. This could also be described as a motivation or a drive.

What is the verb for impetus?

impel. (transitive) To urge a person; to press on; to incite to action or motion via intrinsic motivation (contrast with propel, to compel or drive extrinsically).