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How do you tell if my fish are still hungry?

How do you tell if my fish are still hungry?

Fish will eat as much as they need, so dispense the food in a few servings. When they start spitting out the food, they’ve eaten enough. If there is food remaining in the tank and floating to the bottom, you’re giving your fish too much feed.

Will fish eat each other if they are hungry?

Why does this happen? Fish are opportunistic, just like other living creatures. If food presents itself in any form, they will eat it.

Do fish get bored eating the same food?

Food. Perhaps your fish has just become picky and is bored of eating the same food every day. Along with the branded food you feed your fish try feeding them a variety of live foods. If they are still not eating, don’t leave it too long.

Do fish eat other fish when they die?

As soon as a fish dies, the other fish in the tank will begin feasting on their former friend. It’s not personal; it’s nature. If the dead fish isn’t found soon enough, the entire body may be consumed, leaving no trace of the missing fish.

Are pet fish bored?

Just like any other pet, fish can become bored, too. And while they won’t chew up your shoes, keeping them occupied will ensure they live a healthier life.

Can I leave a dead fish in my tank?

Having a dead fish in your aquarium can spread fungal, parasitic and other infectious diseases to other fish in your aquarium. A dead fish that died of a disease can become a carrier of illnesses in a tank.

How can you tell when your fish are hungry?

Here is the answer to that question, they are always hungry. In the wild they can actually go for days without eating, but will eat when the opportunity presents itself. In between their feeding, they will eat the algae and bacteria that is in the aquarium. How can you tell when your fish are hungry?

Why does my fish keep eating other fish?

Although being a carnivore fish is the most obvious reason for fish eating other fish, it could also be that the fish in the aquarium have gotten aggressive and started to tear and eat the other fish. The main reason for this aggressive behavior is due to territorial issues.

Are there any fish that eat other fish?

Yes, fish do eat other fish. They will also eat snails, shrimps, tadpoles, and frogs. Why they do this can be for several reasons. It is not because they are brutal and aggressive. The main reason that they do is that their teeth, mouth, and digestive system are designed to do just that.

How does a fish learn to eat in an aquarium?

Fish soon learn that your presence at the aquarium means food. Their instinct is to eat, eat and eat. Aquarium fish eat by simultaneously opening their mouth and closing their gills. This creates a suction, helping the fish pack food into its mouth.