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How do you know if your breast implant is infected?

How do you know if your breast implant is infected?

If you experience any of the following symptoms, call your doctor right away:

  1. redness.
  2. swelling.
  3. pain.
  4. discharge.
  5. change in breast shape or color.
  6. fever.

What causes a breast implant to get infected?

Breast implant infections tend to arise from bacteria that enter the patient either during or after breast implant surgery. Breast implants are like any other prosthetic device insomuch that they have a higher risk of infection than non-implant surgery.

How do you know if your body is rejecting a breast implant?

Early signs that something may have gone wrong with breast implant surgery include: redness of the skin around the breast. unusual swelling that does not go down. a burning sensation.

How hard is it to rupture a silicone implant?

While extremely durable—a silicone implant can withstand hundreds of pounds of pressure—there is always a small risk that the shell will tear or rupture. With silicone implants, a shell rupture can be difficult to detect on its own, hence the term “silent rupture.”

How long is it safe to leave breast implants in?

The average saline or silicone implants may last anywhere from 10 to 20 years. However, many are removed sooner due to complications or cosmetic concerns. Up to 20 percent of people have their implants removed or replaced within 8 to 10 years.

How much force does it take to rupture a breast implant?

Today’s breast implants are extremely durable, and can withstand tremendous amounts of pressure before rupturing: about 175 pounds for saline, and up to 300 or so for silicone gel. This is far more pressure than a mammogram comes even close to applying. As durable as they are, no breast implant can last forever.

When does an infection develop after breast implants?

Infection is the leading cause of morbidity that occurs after breast implantation and complicates 2·0–2·5% of interventions in most case series. Two-thirds of infections develop within the acute post-operative period, whereas some infections may develop years or even decades after surgery.

What happens if you have a breast implant in the wrong place?

Response by the body to an infection or injury. Demonstrated by redness, swelling, warmth, pain and or/loss of function. The implant is not in the correct position in the breast. This can happen during surgery or afterwards if the implant moves or shifts from its original location.

Can a silicone breast implant rupture after surgery?

Silicone breast implants can rupture at any time after your implant surgery, but the longer an implant is in place, the greater the possibility an implant may rupture.

Which is the leading cause of morbidity after breast implants?

Infection is the leading cause of morbidity that occurs after breast implantation and complicates 2·0–2·5% of interventions in most case series.