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How do I plead the blood of Jesus?

How do I plead the blood of Jesus?

Example Prayer for Pleading the Blood of Jesus: I plead my cause before you because I have been justified through your Blood. In the Name of Jesus. I plead the Blood on Jesus over my life, my home, my family, over all of my affairs, and over all of which You have made me a steward.

Where in the Bible does it say to pray to Jesus?

It is evident from Luke’s Gospel that Jesus prays often (Luke 3:21; 5:16; 6:12; 9:18, 28). Jesus’ disciples have no doubt noticed His prayerfulness and in this passage they ask Him to teach them how to pray (Luke 11:1).

Can we plead the blood of Jesus?

There are no instances that feature someone pleading the blood of Jesus in one area of life or another. Many people avoid using the phrase “pleading the blood” altogether because it is not found in scripture. It’s also important to remember that words we use have meaning and what we say matters to God.

What is the power of Jesus blood?

“The Power of the Blood of Christ” is a God-send for those who are willing to accept the ways of God without cringing. Though the blood of Jesus is not in any way magical, it is nonetheless crucial and foundational to receiving any benefit whatsoever from God.

Are there any Bible verses about praying in jesus’blood?

I did a simple search in my Bible app using the search words “Jesus” + “blood” and I only came up with 13 verses, but not one of them has Jesus’ blood being used in prayer. Rather, it is being used as how we were justified…redeemed by the precious blood of the perfect Lamb of God.

Where do I plead the blood of Jesus?

I now Plead the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ as a Bloodline around my entire body, my home, my children, around my relationship/marriage, and my dwelling place, over my family, over my animals, over our vehicle and over our finances.

What are some good songs to pray the blood of Jesus?

Some of the classics include O The Blood of Jesus, There Is Power In The Blood, The Blood Shall Never Lose Its Power. If you are not familiar with these songs I encourage you to look them up because we would sing a lot about the power of the blood of Jesus.

Why do we need the blood of Jesus?

Jesus’ blood purchased complete and total one-ness with God for us, His adopted children. That blood made a way for us to know God, to dwell with Him, to abide in Christ Jesus, and to receive everything our Father has so that His will can be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Isn’t that amazing? So how do we plead the blood of Jesus in prayer?