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Does age matter in fable?

Does age matter in fable?

Fable II. In Fable II, ageing is no longer associated with levelling up abilities. The major ageing differences are from childhood to adulthood, and later during the 10 years you spend in the Tattered Spire.

How do you buy a house in fable?

In Fable and Fable: TLC, each town will have a marital home for sale when the hero first arrives to that settlement. The hero can purchase these houses at any time he chooses to do so, because no villagers will occupy them unless the hero rents them out. They will be marked on the map with the “building for sale” icon.

How does rent work in Fable 3?

The rent & profit is paid every 5 minutes, but only if you are playing the game. The rent is paid even if you leave your Xbox alone and the screen dims. You do not get paid while in the Sanctuary or any of its connected rooms, but not including the Road to Rule.

Who can you marry in fable?

The Hero of each game can get married to most of the minor NPCs they see in the games, as well as some awarded from quests (such as Elise/Eliot in Fable III or Lady Grey in Fable), who have unique character models.

Why do I look old in fable?

it’s actually tied to the number of level ups you’ve purchased. the more skills you buy, the older you look. you age faster when you do Will because there are a TON more skills to buy than in the other trees.

How often do you get rent in Fable 2?

You receive rent every five minutes of real world time even when you are not playing up to a maximum rent amount of 100 times the regular rent total (this will occur in less than two months).

How often do you receive rent in Fable 3?

every three days
Rent appears once every day that a tenant occupies the residence, but a maximum of only 3 bags of rent may appear for any given property at one given time. It is therefore recommended to make sure you collect your rent every three days because you will earn no more until you do.

What happens if you marry Lady GREY?

If you choose to marry Lady Grey in Fable, Fable TLC and Fable Anniversary you will receive a dowry of 15,000 gold: the largest marriage dowry in the game. Because she will not follow the hero outside of Bowerstone in the original game, it is generally considered impossible to kill her.

How do I collect rent in Fable anniversary?

Rent can be collected by picking up the sacks of gold left outside each house by the sign at the front door. Rent accumulates at a rate of 1/3 per day for a maximum of 3 days (i. e. 1 day = 1/3 rent, 2 days = 2/3 rent, 3 days = full rent).

What happens if you marry Lady GREY in Fable anniversary?

If you choose to marry Lady Grey in Fable, Fable TLC and Fable Anniversary you will receive a dowry of 15,000 gold: the largest marriage dowry in the game. In Fable, TLC and Anniversary she will not obey the command ‘follow’ no matter how many gifts you give her or how much she seems to like you.

How much does it cost to rent a house in Fable?

I’ve got the first three marital homes you can buy and these are the rent prices based on the maximum three days gold and with the houses being fully upgraded. I’m not completely sure on Bowerstone as I’m living there currently.

What can you do with real estate in Fable?

More information regarding properties unlocked by completing quests are needed. In the Fable series, you can buy Real Estate, such as homes and businesses, and gain income from them. Houses can be rented out, while businesses produce income from selling their wares.

How often do I have to collect my rent?

Rent appears once every day that a tenant occupies the residence, but a maximum of only 3 bags of rent may appear for any given property at one given time. It is therefore recommended to make sure you collect your rent every three days because you will earn no more until you do.

Where do you go to pick up gold in Fable?

You have to go physically go to the house to pick these up in order to get the money and to allow for more to appear. When you enter the area a notification will appear at the top of the screen to show how much gold can be picked up out of the maximum (e.g 800/2400).