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Why is Miguel Servet famous?

Why is Miguel Servet famous?

Death by burning at the stake has been a popular method of execution in the history of mankind, so the case of Spanish theologian Miguel Servet (29 September 1511 – 27 October 1553) would not be unusual beyond the prominence of the historical figure—the discoverer of pulmonary blood circulation.

When was Michael Servetus killed?

October 27, 1553
Michael Servetus/Date of death

Where did Miguel Servet die?

Geneva, Switzerland
Michael Servetus/Place of death

Where was Miguel Servet from?

Villanueva de Sigena, Spain
Michael Servetus/Place of birth

Did Calvin and Luther ever meet?

John Calvin never met Martin Luther; indeed, they never communicated directly. While in Strasbourg after his expulsion from Geneva, Calvin had experienced tremendous joy when informed that Luther had expressed in a letter to Martin Bucer his approbation of the young Frenchman’s writing against Cardinal Sadoleto.

Why was Servetus burned?

He participated in the Protestant Reformation, and later rejected the Trinity doctrine and mainstream Catholic Christology. After being condemned by Catholic authorities in France, he fled to Calvinist Geneva where he was burned at the stake for heresy by order of the city’s governing council.

Did Calvin burn Servetus?

Calvin and other ministers asked that he be beheaded instead of burnt, knowing that burning at the stake was the only legal recourse. This plea was refused and on 27 October, Servetus was burnt alive—atop a pyre of his own books—at the Plateau of Champel at the edge of Geneva.

What religion was Michael Servetus?

Michael Servetus, Spanish Miguel Servet, (born 1511?, Villanueva or Tudela, Spain—died Oct. 27, 1553, Champel, Switz.), Spanish physician and theologian whose unorthodox teachings led to his condemnation as a heretic by both Protestants and Roman Catholics and to his execution by Calvinists from Geneva.

What was the date of Michael Servetus birth?

There is controversy as to the date and place of birth of Michael Servetus. The conflicting data were supplied by Servetus himself during his trials at Lyons and Geneva, when he was anxious to mislead his inquisitors. The more likely date, 29 September 1511 as against the traditional 1509, is corroborated by two separate…

Who was Miguel Servet and what did he do?

In other words, it’s not clear if the man persecuted was Miguel de Villanueva, alias Servet, born in Tudela; or if he was Miguel Servet, and wanted to mark his origin in Villanueva de Sigena. Miguel Servet. Stipple engraving by Holl.

When did Michael Servetus become a French citizen?

Servetus also became a French citizen, using his “De Villeneuve” persona, by the Royal Process (1548–1549) of French Naturalization, issued by Henri II of France. In 1553 Michael Servetus published another religious work with further anti-trinitarian views.

When did Michael Servetus take the name Michel de Villeneuve?

After the persecution of the Inquisition, Servetus assumed the name “Michel de Villeneuve” while he was staying in France. He studied at the Collège de Calvi in Paris in 1533.