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Why does Monster see himself as different from the biblical Adam?

Why does Monster see himself as different from the biblical Adam?

C. Adam was created to do good, whereas the monster was created to do evil. The creature sees himself as another Adam because he was created apparently united by no link to any other being in existence.

How does the creature see himself as different from Adam in Paradise Lost?

The Monster sees himself as an Adamic character because he is “apparently united by no link to any other being in existence” (Shelley 117). Adam from Paradise Lost is also alone before Eve is created; thus, Adam and the Monster see no one around who looks remotely similar to them.

Who does the monster compare himself to Adam?

These lines appear on the title page of the novel and come from John Milton’s Paradise Lost, when Adam bemoans his fallen condition (Book X, 743–745). The monster conceives of himself as a tragic figure, comparing himself to both Adam and Satan.

What are the differences between Adam and Frankenstein’s creation?

The difference was that Adam was told not to eat the fruit, and when he did, gained the knowledge of good and evil, and the monster was never told about good and bad, yet still managed to sin and was exiled by his creator as well. The main difference between these two characters is their creators.

How did Frankenstein’s monster view himself?

The creature, on the other hand, has always seen himself as ugly yet capable of very human feelings. He sees that humankind can be godlike as well as wicked, and he recognizes that he, too, has the capacity for both. The creature, unlike his maker, takes full responsibility for his wrongs.

Why does the creature first try to kidnap William?

The creature’s first murder is that of William. In the creature’s own words from Chapter 16, he was sleeping in the woods when William, a “beautiful” child came upon him and he was seized with the intention that he should “educate him as my companion and friend”.

What is the significance of Eve in Frankenstein?

The creature’s likeness to Eve comes from the fact that he is the first of his kind to sin. Although Adam was the first man, it was not until Eve offered him the apple that allowed him to sin. Therefore, Eve’s sin was the first sin seen in “her kind.” The creature, being the first of his kind, murdered William.

What is the significance of the papers the monster finds in his clothing?

What is the significance of the papers the monster finds in his clothing? The paper’s from Victor’s journal. He discovers the horrid way in which he was conceived and how his creator regarded him.