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Who made the space shuttle tiles?

Who made the space shuttle tiles?

Bob Beasley
The mid-1960s development of a lightweight materials made of silica fibers must be credited to Bob Beasley. At the time, the reusable space vehicle was only a concept and the insulation material had other potential applications.

What were the space shuttle tiles made from?

They are made up of what is called a porous silicon material that is very light and extremely heat resistant. There are two main types of tiles, one a black-coated tile called HRSI for High-Temperature Reusable Surface Insulation tile. These tiles can withstand up to 2,300 degrees F (1,260 degrees C).

Why were there ceramic tiles on the bottom of the shuttle?

Much of the shuttle was covered with LI-900 silica tiles, made from essentially very pure quartz sand. The insulation prevented heat transfer to the underlying orbiter aluminium skin and structure. These tiles were such poor heat conductors that one could hold one by the edges while it was still red hot.

How much does a space shuttle tile cost?

a grand total of $23.40. That’s quite the bargain considering that NASA estimates its original acquisition cost was $1,000 per tile. More than 20,000 tiles are installed on each space shuttle and each tile is designed to survive 100 trips to space and back.

Can you buy a space shuttle tile?

As the tiles were acquired before restrictions were enacted governing their acquisition and sale, the tiles can now be sold legally. It is NASA’s and the United States position that Space Shuttle tiles need to be protected in part because of the technology they contain and the risk from foreign exploitation.

What kind of ceramic was used in the Space Shuttle?

NASA initially used Nextel in Space Shuttle development. When engineers needed materials for Shuttle tiles that could stand up to the heat of reentry, they turned to the versatile ceramic.

Where are the thermal tiles on a Space Shuttle?

White in color, these covered the upper wing near the leading edge. They were also used in selected areas of the forward, mid, and aft fuselage, vertical tail, and the OMS/RCS pods. These tiles protected areas where reentry temperatures are below 1,200 °F (649 °C).

What kind of slurry is used to make space shuttle tiles?

A slurry containing fibers mixed with water is castedto form soft, porous bricks to which a colloidalsilica binder solution is added. After being sinteredthe block is ready to be cut and machined into the required dimensions. HRSI tiles vary in thickness from 1 to 5 inches.

How are carbon reinforced Space Shuttle tiles made?

The reinforced carbon-carbon tiles are produced by impregnating a graphitizedrayon cloth with a phenolicresin.   Basically, this cloth is filled with some juice.   The cloth is then placed in an autoclavefor curing. After being cured, the cloth is pyrolizedto convert the resin to carbon.