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Who created the Discovery space shuttle?

Who created the Discovery space shuttle?

Rockwell International
Space Shuttle Discovery/Manufacturers

What was the purpose of the space shuttle Discovery?

Discovery performed both research and International Space Station (ISS) assembly missions, and also carried the Hubble Space Telescope into orbit. Discovery was the first operational shuttle to be retired, followed by Endeavour and then Atlantis.

How many times did Space Shuttle Discovery?

The longest-serving orbiter, Discovery flew 39 times from 1984 through 2011 — more missions than any of its sister ships — spending altogether 365 days in space. Discovery also flew every type of mission during the space shuttle era and has a record of distinctions.

Which spacecraft is the farthest man made object in space?

Voyager 1
At approximately 2:10 p.m. Pacific time on February 17, 1998, Voyager 1, launched more than two decades ago, will cruise beyond the Pioneer 10 spacecraft and become the most distant human-created object in space at 10.4 billion kilometers (6.5 billion miles.)

Is the Space Shuttle the first ‘spaceship’?

The Space Shuttle is the world’s first reusable spacecraft, and the first spacecraft in history that can carry large satellites both to and from orbit. The Shuttle launches like a rocket, maneuvers in Earth orbit like a spacecraft and lands like an airplane.

Who used the first Space Shuttle in space?

The first Space Shuttle mission, STS-1, would be the first time NASA performed a crewed first-flight of a spacecraft. On April 12, 1981, the Space Shuttle launched for the first time, and was piloted by John Young and Robert Crippen.

What are facts about the Space Shuttle?

000 kph) – almost nine times as fast as the rifle bullet after being fired.

  • The longest and the shortest orbit of the space shuttle.
  • Fuel.
  • The heaviest and the lightest space shuttles.
  • Launch site.
  • What was the name of the first Space Shuttle ever built?

    On September 17, 1976, NASA publicly unveiled its first space shuttle, the Enterprise, during a ceremony in Palmdale, California. Development of the aircraft-like spacecraft cost almost $10 billion and took nearly a decade.