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Which of the following is an argument in favor of judicial restraint?

Which of the following is an argument in favor of judicial restraint?

Which of the following is an argument in favor of judicial restraint? those in favor of judicial restraint: argue that the Supreme court should avoid ruling on constitutional issues whenever possible. when action is necessary, the Court should decide cases in as narrow a manner as possible.

Why is judicial restraint good?

Judicial restraint is considered desirable because it allows the people, through their elected representatives, to make policy choices.

How do advocates of judicial restraint exercise that power?

How do advocates of judicial restraint exercise that power? it is the power to review laws passed by the legislative body and to declare them to be unconstitutional and void. It also allows the courts to review actions taken by the executive branch and to declare them unconstitutional.

What do you understand by judicial activism give arguments in Favour and against judicial activism?

Judicial activism is a judicial philosophy holding that the courts can and should go beyond the applicable law to consider broader societal implications of its decisions. It is sometimes used as an antonym of judicial restraint.

What is the meaning of judicial restraint?

What is judicial restraint? Judicial restraint is the refusal to exercise judicial review in deference to the process of ordinary politics.

What is the judicial restraint approach?

In general, judicial restraint is the concept of a judge not injecting his or her own preferences into legal proceedings and rulings. Judges are said to exercise judicial restraint if they are hesitant to strike down laws that are not obviously unconstitutional.

Is judicial A restraint?

What Supreme Court case is an example of judicial restraint?

Examples of cases where the Supreme Court favored judicial restraint include Plessy v. Ferguson and Korematsu v. United States. In Korematsu, the court upheld race-based discrimination, refusing to interfere with legislative decisions unless they explicitly violated the Constitution.

What court case is an example of judicial restraint?