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Which of the following certifications would satisfy the IA BBP for IAM Level II and IAM Level III?

Which of the following certifications would satisfy the IA BBP for IAM Level II and IAM Level III?

CISSP would satisfy the IA BBP for IAM level II and IAM level III. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

What is IAM Level 3 certification?

Within the DoD directive, Level 3 includes a series of baseline certifications that further validate I.T staff’s skills and expertise. Certifications within DoD IAM Level 3 comprises of three exams. An applicant only needs to acquire one of the approved certifications for each Information Assurance (IA) category.

What is IAM level certification?

IAM stands for Information Assurance Management. The IAM certification levels are achieved by passing specific exams and having certain work experiences that meet particular requirements. These requirements are focused on management and are geared toward leadership staff.

What is DODD 8570.01-m IAT II?

DoD Directive 8570 and 8140 use 8570.01-m to outline cybersecurity certification requirements for specific job categories. For example, someone in an IAT II role could earn CompTIA Security+ for DoD 8570 compliance.

What is the current DoD repository for sharing security?

(b) Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMass) is the current DoD repository for sharing security authorization packages and risk assessment data with Authorizing officials.

Are website defacement and DoS possible cyberattacks?

Website defacements can act as a DoS attack method, preventing people from accessing the information they need if it has been removed from the site. Additionally, attackers may post graphic imagery to sites for shock value that could disturb its viewers and tarnish the reputation of the target organization.

What level is Security+?

Level II
Security+ meets Information Assurance Technical IAT Level II and Information Assurance Management Level I. So, what does all this mean pursuing a certification of CompTIA’s Security+? In short, obtaining a Security+ accreditation meets the certification requirement for IAT Level II (Figure 2).

What is a DoD IAM?

IA Technical (IAT) and IA Management (IAM) personnel are DoD workers that support certification and accreditation (C&A) or assessment and authorization (A&A) activities for DoD information systems. IAT and IAM personnel are expected to be trained and certified in order to perform their job duties.

What is DoD 8570 IAM certification?

The CompTIA Security+ CE certification assesses baseline cybersecurity skills and may be the most popular of the IAM Level 1 certifications for DoD 8570 compliance. It is vendor neutral and ensures the receiver has basic networking, encryption, risk management and risk mitigation skills.

What is a IAT Level II?

What are the DoD IAT levels? There are three category levels within the IAT category: Level 1: Computing environment information assurance. Level 2: Network environment information assurance. Level 3: Enclave, advanced network and computer information assurance.

What is eMASS in cyber security?

eMASS provides an integrated suite of authorization capabilities and prevents cyber attacks by establishing strict process control mechanisms for obtaining authorization decisions. …

Do you need more than one IA Level?

Most IA levels within a category or specialty have more than one approved certification and a certification may apply to more than one level. An individual needs to obtain only one of the “approved certifications”; for his or her IA category or specialty and level to meet the minimum requirement.

Can A Level 1 IAT certification be used?

Higher level IAT and IAM certifications satisfy lower level requirements. Certifications listed in Level II or III cells can be used to qualify for Level I. However, Level I certifications cannot be used for Level II or III unless the certification is also listed in the Level II or III cell. For example:

What are the DoD approved baseline certifications for IA?

The above table provides a list of DoD approved IA baseline certifications aligned to each category and level of the IA Workforce. Personnel performing IA functions must obtain one of the certifications required for their position, category/specialty and level to fulfill the IA baseline certification requirement.

Do you have to have an IA certification?

Personnel performing IA functions must obtain one of the certifications required for their position, category/specialty and level to fulfill the IA baseline certification requirement. Most IA levels within a category or specialty have more than one approved certification and a certification may apply to more than one level.