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Where did Bob die in The Outsiders?

Where did Bob die in The Outsiders?

Bob died at the fountain. Johnny stabbed Bob because he was trying to drown Ponyboy.

Where did Bob get stabbed in The Outsiders?

He was trying to drown Ponyboy with some of the other Socs in front of Johnny. Johnny became scared and didn’t know what to do; he drew his switchblade and stabbed Bob, slicing his throat, causing blood to spill from his mouth and neck.

Where did Ponyboy kill Bob?

Pony had lost weight during his stay at the church while on the run. He was burned in the fire and he was suffering from shock. Just before the rumble, he complained of a “terrific headache” and had been “running a fever”; then he was beaten and kicked in the head during the greasers’ battle with the Socs.

Who kills Bob in the park?

Johnny tells Ponyboy that he (Johnny) killed Bob because the Socs were going to drown Ponyboy and beat up Johnny. Desperate and terrified, Ponyboy and Johnny hurry to find Dally Winston, the one person they think might be able to help them.

Does Ponyboy die?

He is killed by Johnny Cade. Bob Sheldon and his goons attacked Ponyboy and Johnny one night, and Bob nearly drowned Ponyboy. The only reason Ponyboy survived the encounter was because Johnny killed Bob to protect his fellow Greaser.

What was Bob’s real problem according to Randy P 116?

According to Randy, Bob’s problem was that his parents never set any boundaries for him or punished him for his misbehavior. Whenever Bob would get into trouble, his parents would blame themselves, and Bob would go unpunished.

What happened when Johnny stabbed Bob?

Plot. When Johnny Cade and Ponyboy were in the park at night, a car full of drunk Socs drove by. Johnny was pushed to the ground, and then the Socs dunked Ponyboy multiple times in the fountain, and he almost drowned. Johnny then pulled out his switchblade and stabbed Bob, killing him.

What did Johnny say when he killed Bob Page?

What did Johnny say when he killed Bob? “I killed him,” Johnny says. “I killed that boy.” Johnny explains that he stabbed Bob in self-defense; the Socs were drowning Ponyboy and preparing to beat Johnny up like they did before. When Bob went down, all the other Socs ran.

Who killed Ponyboy Bob?

When Randy Adderson visits Ponyboy to discuss the upcoming trial, Pony comments that he was the one who killed Bob Sheldon. Randy tells Ponyboy that he is remembering the incident wrong, but Ponyboy insists that he stabbed Bob.

Why did Ponyboy pretended Johnny wasn’t dead?

Ponyboy denies Johnny’s death as a survival mechanism, because he has so much grief, pain, and disappointment to deal with. Denying Johnny’s death helps him to compartmentalize his emotions, allowing him to deal with the tragedy at his own pace and time.

Why did Bob’s rings scare Johnny?

Why did Bob’s rings scare Johnny? I remembered that it was a blue Mustang that had pulled up beside the vacant lot and that Johnny’s face had been cut up by someone wearing rings… Johnny therefore becomes so nervous precisely because he recognises the same people that beat him up so badly before the novel begins.

How did Darry die?

In this book, Dallas dies by being shot by a whole bunch of police officers. He has robbed a grocery store and the police are chasing him. When Johnny died, Dally was so sad that he ran out of the hospital and it seems that he went straight out and robbed the store.

How did Johnny kill Bob in the Outsiders?

Ponyboy and Johnny both thought Ponyboy was going to drown that night. When Ponyboy regains consciousness, Bob is dead. Johnny stabbed him in self-defense. What page is Chapter 4 in the outsiders? Summary: Chapter 4 The park is deserted at 2:30 in the morning. Ponyboy and Johnny go walking beside the fountain.

Who was the first person to die in the Outsiders?

Three people die over the course of this relatively short novel. The first to die is Bob Sheldon. He is a Soc and Cherry’s boyfriend. He is killed by Johnny Cade. Bob Sheldon and his goons attacked Ponyboy and Johnny one night, and Bob nearly drowned Ponyboy.

Who is killed in the Outsiders by Bob Sheldon?

He is killed by Johnny Cade. Bob Sheldon and his goons attacked Ponyboy and Johnny one night, and Bob nearly drowned Ponyboy. The only reason Ponyboy survived the encounter was because Johnny

Who was killed in the Outsiders by Johnny Cade?

He is a Soc and Cherry’s boyfriend. He is killed by Johnny Cade. Bob Sheldon and his goons attacked Ponyboy and Johnny one night, and Bob nearly drowned Ponyboy. The only reason Ponyboy survived