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What is the term for a person who has certain rights and responsibilities?

What is the term for a person who has certain rights and responsibilities?

Terms in this set (10) Citizen. Holds certain rights and responsibilities in a state.

What is the term for a person who has certain rights and responsibilities in a city state or nation?

citizen. a person who has certain rights and duties in a city-state or nation.

What are responsibilities come with your rights?

Bill of Responsibilities

  • To be fully responsible for our own actions and for the consequences of those actions.
  • To respect the rights and beliefs of others.
  • To give sympathy, understanding, and help to others.
  • To do our best to meet our own and our families’ needs.
  • To respect and obey the laws.

What are rights and responsibilities in relationships?

Healthy relationships are the right and responsibility of everyone involved. You have a right to be treated with respect, but you also have the responsibility to treat your partner with respect too.

What are the rights and responsibilities of a person?

Therefore, every person has a fundamental right to life and a right to those things required for human decency. Corresponding to these rights are duties and responsibilities–to one another, to our families, and to the larger society. When someone is reduced to poverty, we have an obligation to help.

What are the rights and responsibilities of the States?

The latter two, in Article 1, Section 10 , are also prohibited of the states. Habeas corpus, which requires an authority to prove to a court why it has cause to hold someone, is a key individual right. A bill of attainder is a bill written to punish one person or group of people.

What are your rights and responsibilities as an American citizen?

What are your rights and responsibilities as an American citizen? Rights Responsibilities Freedom to express yourself. Freedom to Support and defend the Constitution. Sta

Which is an example of a responsibility under the Constitution?

Responsibilities under the Constitution. For example, the Constitution presumes lawfulness. It is a responsibility, then, to obey the law. For those who do not, there are protections, but the presumption of lawfulness is apparent. The Constitution sets rules for a conviction for treason against the United States.