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What is the moral of the folk tale waters of gold?

What is the moral of the folk tale waters of gold?

Why? A bucket full of bitey things because she isn’t truly nice. What is the moral of the story? Give what’s yours and don’t expect anything back.

What is waters of gold about?

In “Waters of Gold” there is a women named Auntie Lily who treats everyone with equal respect and care, rich and poor. She has a neighbor who isn’t the nicest person, but has a lot of money. One day a beggar comes into town and asks around for water to wash his feet with. She gives him water and he washes himself up.

What is Auntie Lily’s reward for helping the beggar in waters of gold?

What did it represent? A large amount of gold coins came out of the bucket that the beggar gave to Lily. The coins represent a reward for Auntie Lily’s kindness.

Who is the antagonist in waters of gold?

Rob Lucci is a major antagonist in One Piece anime and manga.

What is the theme of waters of gold?

THEME. Auntie Lily was basically struggling with her life because she did not have enough food to feed herself or money pay of her house. No one did not have the heart like Auntie Lily to wash the old beggars feet.

What happens when you put gold in water?

Pure gold is not affected by water and can get wet, though sustained time showering with gold can cause the shine to diminish. However, while pure gold is resistant to chemicals, gold alloys may become damaged by harsh chemicals that could be present in the water, such as chlorine.

Why did Auntie Lily buy back her house instead of buying a nicer newer house?

Q. Why did Auntie Lily buy back her house instead of buying a nicer, newer house? She was too old to move to a new house. She wanted to take it from the rich, old woman.

Why is Lucci a bad guy?

In the past, he’s killed innocent people just because he deemed them too weak to uphold the justice that he believes in. Being a Government official with a high rank, Lucci can kill anyone without facing any consequences, which is what makes him a special villain.

Who is the main villain of water 7?

The people of Water 7 are in turmoil as the pride of their town is on death’s door and upon Iceberg waking up, it’s revealed his assailant was none other than Nico Robin, who the audience would have forgotten by this point was MIA. Now the Straw Hats are public enemy number one on an island they can’t sail away from.

Does gold melt in water?

Gold is unaffected by air, water, alkalis and all acids except aqua regia (a mixture of hydrochloric acid and nitric acid) which can dissolve gold.

How did the townspeople treat the old beggar after hearing he gave Auntie Lily a large amount of gold?

How did the townspeople treat the old beggar after hearing he gave Auntie Lily a large amount of gold? They continued ignoring him. They scared him out of town.