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What is the best estimate for a drop of food coloring?

What is the best estimate for a drop of food coloring?

A drop of food coloring is a small amount. It is unreasonable to estimate that one drop is a liter of liquid. So, 1 milliliter of food coloring is a more reasonable estimate.

What happens to the food coloring as it is dropped in each jar with water?

When placed into water, food coloring will begin to mix with the water. The food coloring will mix the fastest in the hot water because the molecules are moving fast due to their increased thermal energy.

How many mL is a drop of food coloring?

In this usage, a drop is typically considered to be approximately 0.05 mL.

Is a drop of food coloring 1 liter?

What is the volume of a drop of food coloring?

Use a milliliter to measure lesser capacity. A drop of food coloring is a small amount. It is unreasonable to estimate that one drop is a liter of liquid. So, 1 milliliter of food coloring is a more reasonable estimate.

Is a dropper a drop?

Frequency: One that drops, especially a small tube with a suction bulb at one end for drawing in a liquid and releasing it in drops. The definition of a dropper is a person or thing that drops or a tube with a small opening at one end and a rubber bulb at the other used to measure liquid in drops.

How is the volume of a drop determined?

Used very commonly in medicine and cooking, a drop is a unit of volume defined as the volume of a liquid in one drop. It has been used since the 19th century and is considered one of the most roughly specified units of volume. Undoubtedly, the volume of a drop depends on the method or device used for producing drops.

What is the value of drop in milliliter?

Drop to Milliliter Conversion Chart Drop to Milliliter Common Values 1 drop = 0.0648524 mL 15 drop = 0.972786 mL

What is the value of a milliliter of water?

Drop to Milliliter Common Values 1 drop = 0.0648524 mL 2 drop = 0.972786 mL 3 drop = 1.297048 mL 4 drop = 0.648524 mL 5 drop = 0.1297048 mL 6 drop = 1.0376384 mL 7 drop = 0.324262 mL 8 drop = 0.2594096 mL 9 drop = 0.5188192 mL 10 drop = 3.891144 mL