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What is the abnormal dilation of arteries?

What is the abnormal dilation of arteries?

Varicocele, pelvic, and peripheral varicose veins and hemorrhoids are aneurysms of the venous vascular regions and have been defined as dilating venous disease, recently. Coronary artery ectasia, intracranial aneurysm, and abdominal aortic aneurysm are examples of arterial dilating vascular diseases.

What does it mean when a blood vessel is dilated?

Definition: The opening up or enlargement of the blood vessels that is controlled by the action of certain hormones on the muscular lining of the vessels. This allows more or less blood to flow to particular limbs or organs in response to variations in factors such as activity and temperature.

What is defined as an abnormal dilation or ballooning of a blood vessel?

An aneurysm is a bulging, weakened area in the wall of a blood vessel resulting in an abnormal widening or ballooning greater than 50% of the vessel’s normal diameter (width). An aneurysm may occur in any blood vessel, but is most often seen in an artery rather than a vein.

What term means the abnormal narrowing of a blood vessel?

A stenosis (from Ancient Greek στενός, “narrow”) is an abnormal narrowing in a blood vessel or other tubular organ or structure such as foramina and canals. It is also sometimes called a stricture (as in urethral stricture).

What leads to arterial dilation?

It happens when smooth muscles found in the walls of arteries or large veins relax, allowing the blood vessels to become more open. This leads to an increase in blood flow through your blood vessels as well as a decrease in blood pressure.

Is a localized abnormal dilation of a blood vessel?

Aneurysm. An aneurysm is a localized enlargement of arteries, characterized by a balloon-like bulge. It results from the abnormal weakening of blood vessel wall. Common types of aneurysm include abdominal aortic aneurysm, thoracic aortic aneurysm and intracranial aneurysm.

What is an enlargement or dilation of a blood vessel?

Vasodilation refers to the widening, or dilation, of the blood vessels. It is a natural process that increases blood flow and provides extra oxygen to the tissues that need it most.

What is abnormal hardening?

Arteriosclerosis (ar-tee-ree-oh-skleh-ROH-sis) is the. abnormal hardening of the walls of an artery or arteries (arteri/o means artery, and -sclerosis. means abnormal hardening). Notice that -sclerosis is the opposite of -malacia. • -stenosis means abnormal narrowing.

What dilates blood vessels naturally?

Fatty fish like salmon and mackerel are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids. These fats are especially beneficial for circulation because they promote the release of nitric oxide, which dilates your blood vessels and increases blood flow (17).

What are the effects of dilated blood vessels?

When your blood vessels dilate, the walls of your arteries impede the muscles from constricting and the walls from thinning. This allows blood to flow more easily throughout your arteries, reducing how hard your heart has to work to pump, which in turn lowers your blood pressure.

What makes blood vessels dilate?

One way the body can cause blood vessels to dilate is to simply stop producing vasoconstricting signals. If the smooth muscle cells are not told to contract, the blood vessels swell and dilate. Another way in which the body can induce vasodilation is through the production of a chemical called nitric oxide.

Does dilation of blood vessels really cause migraine?

If dilation of the blood vessels in the brain was indeed the cause of migraines, it stands to reason that when they dilate, pain of the migraine would come on and when they constrict, pain reduce. However, this is clearly not the case. Dilation of blood vessels is the consequence of head pain , not the cause.