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What is confidentiality and when can it be broken?

What is confidentiality and when can it be broken?

What is a breach of confidentiality? In short, a confidentiality breach is the disclosure of information to someone without the consent of the person who owns it. In other words, failing to respect a person’s privacy or the confidence in which they gave the information or data to you, by passing it onto someone else.

What does confidentiality mean in pharmacy?

Pharmacy Assistants Know That a Standard of Confidentiality Maintains Trust. When visiting your pharmacy, customers know that you have access to what is often very intimate and personal information about their health, and they want to be sure that they can trust you to respect their privacy.

Do pharmacists have patient confidentiality?

Because pharmacists are responsible for collecting confidential medical information and providing drug advice to patients, the patient must disclose personal information not generally provided in other commercial transactions.

Why is privacy important in pharmacy?

Pharmacists and other health care practitioners who use patient data must ensure that a balance is maintained that guarantees patient privacy without restricting access to information that would interfere with the delivery of quality care for the individual and public good.

What are the 3 exceptions to confidentiality?

Most of the mandatory exceptions to confidentiality are well known and understood. They include reporting child, elder and dependent adult abuse, and the so-called “duty to protect.” However, there are other, lesserknown exceptions also required by law. Each will be presented in turn.

When can a patient confidentiality be broken?

A breach of confidentiality occurs when a patient’s private information is disclosed to a third party without their consent. There are limited exceptions to this, including disclosures to state health officials and court orders requiring medical records to be produced.

How is patient confidentiality maintained in a pharmacy?

Pharmacists must never disclose confidential information without consent “unless required to do so by the law or in exceptional circumstances”, and must only use information obtained in the course of professional practice “for the purposes you were given it, or where the law says you can”.

What are pharmacists called?


A man consulting with a pharmacist
Names Pharmacist, Chemist, Druggist, Doctor of Pharmacy, Apothecary or simply Doctor
Occupation type Professional
Activity sectors Health care, health sciences, chemical sciences

How do pharmacists maintain confidentiality?

What is meant by patient confidentiality?

The definition of patient confidentiality is: ‘The law whereby a doctor or medical practitioner cannot reveal anything said to them by their patients during consultation or treatment.

What is an example of privacy in healthcare?

Patient privacy encompasses a number of aspects, including personal space (physical privacy), personal data (informational privacy), personal choices including cultural and religious affiliations (decisional privacy), and personal relationships with family members and other intimates (associational privacy).