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What is bs 7121?

What is bs 7121?

BS7121 is the British Standard Code of Practice for the Safe Use of Cranes. It is recognised as best practice in the industry and has been drawn up by the industry in conjunction with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

Which part of BS 7121 is specific to mobile cranes?

BS 7121‑3 provides recommendations for mobile cranes. Other parts of BS 7121 deal with the specific crane types as follows: Part 4: Lorry loaders; • Part 5: Tower cranes; • Part 11: Offshore cranes; • Part 12: Recovery vehicles and equipment; • Part 13: Hydraulic gantry lifting systems; • Part 14: Side boom pipelayers.

Can an appointed person act as a crane supervisor?

An appointed person may also be a crane supervisor or crane operator in addition to being an appointed person. The role is a very responsible one as the appointed person must have good working knowledge of lifting operations and safe working.

Can a lift supervisor be a slinger?

It is also possible to apply for a combined Slinger Signaller (CPCS A40) and Lifting Operations Crane Supervisor Course – novice operators with less than 2 years’ experience are eligible to apply.

What is considered an essential attribute of a lift supervisor?

Although in general not a ‘hands-on’ role, the lift supervisor needs to have sufficient experience and the appropriate expertise and knowledge. The lift supervisor must ensure that RCls are not overridden by anyone during lifting operations, otherwise over-lifting could occur, with the LE/crane at risk of overturning.

What does a lift supervisor do?

Lift / Crane Supervisor – The person responsible for supervising the lifting operation and safely operating the safe system of work (Method Statement) The supervisor will take on the duties of the Appointed Person in their absence. All operations should be supervised by a suitably trained and qualified supervisor.

Who can prepare a lift plan?

competent person
Lifting operations need to be properly planned by a competent person who has both practical and theoretical knowledge, and who has experience of planning lifts. The lifting plan needs to consider the risks involved, the equipment needed, the procedures for the lift, and who has to do what.

Do I need a lift supervisor?

Supervision of lifting operations Many everyday lifting operations do not require direct supervision (eg experienced fork-lift operators undertaking routine lifts), although there may be circumstances where supervisory assistance may be required to manage risk (eg lifting an unusual load, crossing a public road etc).

Does OSHA require a lift plan?

A Crane Lift Plan is required for every crane lift on a Dimeo project – see OSHA Subpart CC for definition of crane. The Crane Lift Plan may be valid for more than one day, as long as the configuration, location, and parameters used for developing “worst case” condition have not changed.

Do you need a lift plan for every lift?

Before any lift, it’s important to think about what could go wrong, which will help eliminate unforeseen factors that could result in an accident. While a lift plan isn’t required for every lift, the best way to ensure a safe and efficient lift is to invest in a lift plan.

Who can complete a lift plan?

Lifting operations need to be properly planned by a competent person who has both practical and theoretical knowledge, and who has experience of planning lifts. The lifting plan needs to consider the risks involved, the equipment needed, the procedures for the lift, and who has to do what.

What is considered a critical crane lift?

Critical lift means a lift that (1) exceeds 75 percent of the rated capacity of the crane or derrick, or (2) requires the use of more than one crane or derrick. Derrick floor means an elevated floor of a building or structure that has been designated to receive hoisted pieces of steel prior to final placement.