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What is 853 to the nearest hundred?

What is 853 to the nearest hundred?

Rounding to the nearest hundred For example, 853 rounded to the nearest 100 would be 900 because 5 is in the tens column.

Whats 328 rounded to the nearest 100?

Here, the number is 328 and the number down to the nearest hundred is 300. Hence, the answer is 300.

What is 211 to the nearest hundred?

211 is between 200 and 300 and would be rounded to 200 .

What 236 rounded to the nearest hundred?

236 rounded to the nearest hundred is 200.

What is 927 to the nearest hundred?

927 is rounded off as 900 and 376 is rounded off as 400.

What does the nearest hundred mean?

Rounding to the nearest 100 means to write down the multiple of 100 that is nearest to the number. Either the hundreds digit will remain the same or it will increase by one. 379 is in between 300 and 400, so the options are to round down to 300 or round up to 400.

What is 328 rounded to the nearest tenth?

While rounding off to tens, if the digit at ones place is greater than 5 , then it is rounded off to the next tens . In this case it’s 328 , hence the answer is 330.

How do you round to the nearest hundred?

The rule for rounding to the nearest hundred is to look at the tens digit. If it is 5 or more, then round up. If it is 4 or less, then round down. Basically,in each hundred, all numbers up to 49 round down and numbers from 50 to 99 round up to the next hundred.

What is the nearest ten to 236?

2. If it is 5 or more, round up. Round 236 to the nearest ten. The ones digit 6 is “5 or more,” so round up to 240.

How do you round to the nearest 100?

Rounding to the nearest 100 To round a number to the nearest 100, look at the tens digit. If the tens digit is 5 or more, round up. If the tens digit is 4 or less, round down. The tens digit in 3281 is 8.

What is the nearest hundred of 954?

Answer: Too round 954, your going to find the hundreds place. Which would be 9.

What is the nearest hundred of 2826?

2826 rounded to the nearest 100 is 2800.

What are the numbers that are rounded to the nearest hundred?

Rounding Numbers 1 Rounding to the nearest hundred is 800 2 Rounding to the nearest ten is 840 3 Rounding to the nearest one is 838 4 Rounding to the nearest tenth is 838.3 5 Rounding to the nearest hundredth is 838.27

Which is the correct way to round to the nearest ten?

Identify which place value you are rounding to. The smaller the place value, the more accurate the final result will be. Look to the next smallest place value, the digit to the right of the place value you’re rounding to. For example, if you want to round to the nearest ten you’d look at the ones place.

Which is an example of rounding down to the nearest integer?

Round down (floor): Rounding down, sometimes referred to as “taking the floor” of a number means rounding down towards the nearest integer. For example, when rounding to the ones place, any non-integer value will be rounded down to the next lowest integer, as shown below: 5.99.

When do you add 1 to the nearest hundredth?

Nearest hundredth is the second digit after the decimal point. If the digit after hundredth is greater than or equal to 5, add 1 to hundredth.