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What happens to the nuclear membrane and spindle in telophase?

What happens to the nuclear membrane and spindle in telophase?

During prophase, the nucleus disappears, spindle fibers form, and DNA condenses into chromosomes ( sister chromatids ). During telophase, chromosomes arrive at opposite poles and unwind into thin strands of DNA, the spindle fibers disappear, and the nuclear membrane reappears.

Is the nuclear membrane present in telophase?

Remember that the nuclear membrane is disassembled during prophase of mitosis. It remains absent through the duration of mitosis until it begins to reassemble during telophase. The nuclear membrane is thus absent during prophase, metaphase, and telophase.

What happens to the nuclear material in late telophase?

Telophase results in two new nuclei in the same cell until the cell divides. The spindles that draw the chromosomes to each pole degenerate during late telophase.

What is happening to the cell membrane in telophase 1?

During telophase I, the homologous chromosomes separate into separate nuclei. The cell reforms its nuclear envelope disassembles the spindle fibers microtubules and proceeds to cytokinesis. The cell then goes through a resting phase known as interkinesis.

Is late telophase and cytokinesis the same?

That process is called cytokinesis and logically follows closely on the heels mitosis. However, the distinction between late telophase, the last of the four stages of mitosis, and the beginning of cytokinesis is somewhat blurry.

Why do microtubules shrink during anaphase?

During anaphase A, the chromosomes move to the poles and kinetochore fiber microtubules shorten; during anaphase B, the spindle poles move apart as interpolar microtubules elongate and slide past one another. During anaphase A, kinetochore microtubules must shorten as the chromosomes move poleward.

What happens to nuclear material in late telophase?

A cell’s nucleus contain special structures — chromosomes, nucleoli and a nuclear membrane — not found in other parts of the cell. Telophase is the final stage of mitosis and meiosis, the processes that result in eukaryotic cell division.

What happens to the chromosomes during telophase in mitosis?

During telophase, nuclear membrane forms around each set of chromosomes. This separates the nuclear DNA from the cytoplasm. The chromosomes then start to uncoil becoming diffuse and less compact. This phase is followed by cytokinesis which divides the cytoplasm of the parental cell to two daughter cells. Figure: Telophase in Mitosis and Meiosis.

How do nuclear membranes form around the chromosomes?

During Telophase, homologous chromosome pairs reach the poles of the cell with the help of microtubules. From there, nuclear membranes form around each new set of chromosomes. My confusion originates from a single question: How did these nuclear membranes form around the chromosomes?

What happens to the nuclear membrane during prometaphase?

Prometaphase is the phase of mitosis following prophase and preceding metaphase. The short version of what happens during prometaphase is that the nuclear membrane breaks down .