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What does sodium hydroxide and phenolphthalein make?

What does sodium hydroxide and phenolphthalein make?

The reaction of phenolphthalein with sodium hydroxide results in a pink solution. The picture above shows a titration apparatus. The experiment makes use of a buret that contains the sodium hydroxide solution.

Which salt is formed by the reaction of sodium hydroxide?

Sodium hydroxide is completely ionic, containing sodium ions and hydroxide ions. The hydroxide ion makes sodium hydroxide a strong base which reacts with acids to form water and the corresponding salts, e.g., with hydrochloric acid, sodium chloride is formed: NaOH( aq) + HCl(aq) → NaCl(aq) + H2O( l)

What happens when a few drops of phenolphthalein is added to sodium hydroxide solution?

When few drops of phenolphthalein are added to dilute solution of sodium hydroxide a pink colour is produced . – NaOH (sodium hydroxide) is a base, phenolphthalein is added and the base turns pink in colour.

What is the colour change when phenolphthalein mixed with sodium hydroxide?

pink colour
When few drops of phenolphthalein are added to a dilute solution of sodium hydroxide a pink colour is produced.

Why does phenolphthalein turn pink in sodium hydroxide?

Phenolphthalein, an acid-base indicator used to test the pH of a solution, turns pink due to the presence of a weak base. Although the anions are pink, the solution remains colorless in the presence of an acid. If the pH of the solution is 8.2 or above, the number of anions increases, causing the solution to turn pink.

What color is pH of 1 hydrochloric acid?

As we can see , hydrochloric acid ($pH = 1$) will turn the universal indicator red.

Which salt is formed in this reaction?

Salt, the most commonly known of which is sodium chloride, or table salt, is a compound formed by the chemical reaction of an acid with a base. During this reaction, the acid and base are neutralized producing salt, water and heat.

What is salt name any salt and give their formula?

a A salt is a compound formed from an acid by the replacement of the hydrogen in the acid by a metal. Example: Sodium chloride – NaCl; It is obtained from hydrochloric acid and sodium metal. Ammonium chloride – NH4Cl; It is obtained from ammonia and hydrochloric acid.

What colour change will be observed when a few drops of phenolphthalein are added to sodium hydroxide solution?

bright pink
Dilute with a little water (about 10 ml) and add 1-2 drops of phenolphthalein. When phenolphthalein indicator was added to a solution of sodium hydroxide, there was a color change to bright pink.

When few drops of phenolphthalein are added to a dilute solution of sodium hydroxide?

When a few drops of phenolphthalein are added to a dilute solution of sodium hydroxide, a pink colour is produced.

What happens when sodium hydroxide is mixed with phenolphthalein?

And sodium hydroxide is a base. So, when the sodium hydroxide, which is a base, is mixed with phenolphthalein, it turns pink. Phenolphthalein is itself a weak acid.

How to write a chemical equation of phenolphthalein and..?

Phenolphthalein + Base → Pink solution. The chemical formulae for Phenolpthalein and Sodium Hydroxide goes as: C20H14O4 + NaOH. The product is too complex to be written in here. Refer Vogal 5th edition page 263; find the structure there.

Which is the product of phenolphthalein neutralization reaction?

However, since the reacts are an acid (carbonic acid) and a base (sodium hydroxide) and the products are a salt (sodium carbonate) and water (H2O), it is more specifically a neutralization reaction.

Why is phenolphthalein pink in a neutral solution?

In presence of acid or neutral solution the H+ ion of phenol are not liberated. but when phenolphthalein is treated with a base. the acidic part of phenol reacts with the base to give corresponding sodium salt of phenolphthalein which has pink color thus it imparts pink color to the solution.