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What are some ways the Earth changes slowly?

What are some ways the Earth changes slowly?

Some changes are fast and immediately observable, such as earthquakes, volcanoes, flooding, and landslides. Other changes are slower and occur over a longer period of time, such as weathering and erosion. These gradual processes shape landforms with water, ice, wind, living organisms, and gravity.

What are examples of slow changes?

Slow change The changes happening over a long period of time are considered slow changes. Examples: Rusting of iron, fruits ripening and growing of trees.

What causes the slow change?

while slow change takes time and has a process. The focus of this article is the slow change since its action is carried out on all parts of the Earth’s surface. There are two main causes of change to be mentioned here and they are water action and wind action. This formation occurs from wind and water erosion.

What is a slow change?

The changes that take a long duration of time to complete, are called slow changes. This duration can be in hours, days or even months. The changes that are completed in short or very short duration of time are called fast changes. Examples of slow changes: Rusting of iron, as it takes many days.

Is deposition a slow or fast change?

Remember, faster moving water causes erosion more quickly. Slower moving water erodes material more slowly. If water is moving slowly enough, the sediment being carried may settle out. This settling out, or dropping off, of sediment is deposition.

What is a slow change give two examples?

Rusting of iron- Rusting of iron is a chemical change which takes place in a long period of time. Therefore, rusting of iron is an example of slow change where new substance, iron oxide is formed. 2. Another example of slow change is rotation of earth, which causes day to night.

What is slow and fast change give example?

The changes which take place in a long period of time are called slow changes whereas, the changes which take place in a short period of time are called fast changes. Examples: (a) Rusting of iron, ripening of fruits, growing of trees are slow changes.

What are 3 slow changes to the earth’s surface?

Some changes are due to slow processes, such as erosion and weathering, and some changes are due to rapid processes, such as landslides, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes.

How is erosion a slow earth change?

Erosion occurs when natural agents, such as wind, water, or ice, transport the loosened soil and broken-down rock away. Erosion prevents earthen materials from building up in the place the materials formed. In most cases, erosion is a slow process that occurs inconspicuously over long periods of time.

What is a slow and fast change?

What is a natural change?

The term natural change (natural increase or natural decrease) in a population is the difference between the number of births and number of deaths in the population.

What is slow and fast changes examples?

a) Fast changes occur with in seconds or minutes. Whereas slow changes take place very slowly and may take hours, days or months to complete. Examples for fast changes: Burning of paper, Burning of a candle. Examples for slow changes: Rusting of iron, Germination of seed, curdling of milk etc.

What are some rapid changes to the Earth?


  • Tsunami. Tsunamis are huge ocean waves that usually occur after an earthquake. Tsunamis can cause massive flooding and destruction.
  • Hurricane. Hurricanes can result in the erosion of beaches. Look at the beach before and after the hurricane.
  • Earthquakes
  • usually along the edge of plates.
  • How do slow processes change earth’s surface?

    The surface of the earth changes can be changed by many factors such as water, this slow process is called erosion and weathering. The water breaks down rock and soil into smaller pieces, and loosens them from the earth’s surface.

    What does slow processes change the shape of the Earth?

    The slow processes of mechanical and chemical weathering and erosion work over time to change once high mountains into smooth flat plateaus . The continents are large land areas extending from high mountaintops to sea level. The ocean basins extend from the edges of the continents down steep slopes to the ocean floor and into deep trenches.

    What are slow changes on earths surface?

    Because of its weight and the slope of the mountain, very slowly the glacier is pulled downhill by gravity. When the glacier reaches warmer land it starts to melt until nothing is left but bare rock. Another example of a slow change is weathering . Weathering can happen anywhere; it is basically a breakdown of rock into sediment.