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How long after knee surgery can I get a tattoo?

How long after knee surgery can I get a tattoo?

Usually, it’s best to wait at least 12, if not 18 months after plastic surgery. To ensure the best results with your tattoo artist, we recommend consulting with your plastic surgeon ahead of time to make sure the scar has reached its full healing potential.

What should I avoid after knee replacement?

After your surgery, avoid stools, sofas, soft chairs, rocking chairs, and chairs that are too low. When getting up from a chair, slide toward the edge of the chair, and use the arms of the chair, your walker, or crutches for support to get up.

Is it safe to get a tattoo after surgery?

If the tattoo will be far away from the surgery site, a tattoo is generally considered safe; however, we recommend getting the surgery first and getting the tattoo after you’ve healed from the surgery. Why? Because, having a tattoo and surgery around the same time places additional stress on your immune system.

What limitations do you have after a knee replacement?

Long periods of sitting can also hamper the drainage of fluid in the lower leg and make swelling worse. In the first 7 to 10 days after a knee replacement, it is advisable not to sit for more than 45 to 60 minutes at a time.

How long should you wait to tattoo over a scar?

If you want to cover a newly formed keloid scar, wait at least a year until it’s completely healed. For deeper or larger scars, you might have to wait much longer for than that, like 3 or 5 years. Tattooing a keloid scar that’s completely healed reduces the risk of worsening the scar.

Is it painful to tattoo over a scar?

Does it hurt more? Everyone’s body is different, so everyone’s level of pain tolerance is different, too. That’s why some people experience a lot of discomfort when getting a tattoo and others don’t. However, as a rule of thumb, scar tissue is generally more painful to tattoo than unscarred skin.