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How far is San Diego from San Francisco by plane?

How far is San Diego from San Francisco by plane?

447 miles
A direct flight to San Francisco will take on average 1h 33m to travel the 447 miles flying distance from San Diego.

How long is from San Francisco to San Diego?

The shortest route between San-Francisco and San-Diego is 501.25 mi (806.69 km) according to the route planner. The driving time is approx. 9h 26min.

How long is the coastal drive from San Francisco to San Diego?

Driving the Pacific Coast Highway from San Diego to San Francisco is just over 600 miles or about 10-12 hours of driving straight through.

How long is the drive from San Diego to San Francisco on Hwy 1?

10-12 hours
How Long Does It Take To Drive The California Pacific Coast Highway From San Francisco to San Diego? Technically, you could drive California highway 1 in 10-12 hours without stopping.

What city is halfway between San Francisco and San Diego?

Halfway between San Diego, CA and San Francisco, CA The town that marks the exact halfway point is actually Spicer City, California. The closest zip code to the midpoint is 93263.

How long is it from San Diego to Grand Canyon?

The distance between San Diego and the Grand Canyon is over 500 miles, which will take you about 8.5 hours (if you are crazy enough to do it without stopping).

What is halfway between San Diego and San Francisco?

What is there to see between San Francisco and San Diego?

Begin your San Fransisco to San Diego road trip at one of the most famous and scenic spots in California right here in San Francisco, The Golden Gate Bridge….The Golden Gate Bridge

  • Alcatraz Island.
  • Fisherman’s Wharf.
  • The San Francisco Cable Car.
  • AT Park.

What is the best time to go to San Francisco?

The best time to visit San Francisco is from September to November. Believe it or not, fall offers some of the city’s warmest temperatures year-round, not to mention fewer crowds than summer. Spring is another good time to visit thanks to its mild temperatures and lack of rain (compared to other parts of California).