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How do contrails change the weather?

How do contrails change the weather?

Contrails, by affecting the Earth’s radiation balance, act as a radiative forcing: they trap outgoing longwave radiation emitted by the Earth and atmosphere more than they reflect incoming solar radiation. Condensation trails may cause regional-scale surface temperature changes for some time.

What weather is associated with contrails?

In short, contrails are cloud-like streamers frequently observed to form behind aircraft flying in clear, cold, humid air. If the humidifying effect of this moisture addition overcomes the the heat of combustion, then exhaust trails will form.

How do contrails affect local weather?

Like regular cirrus clouds, contrail clouds trap heat radiating from the earth’s surface, causing warming in the air below. Contrails are human-made clouds. They form in air above about 25,000 feet, when that air is moist and colder than -40 degrees Celsius.

Do contrails make it rain?

By gregladen on November 16, 2012. In short, it is possible that when an air plane flies through a cloud that is just floating there minding its own business, the plane can cause the cloud to start precipitating, letting out rain or snow. …

Do planes dump fuel before landing?

Usually, airplanes won’t dump fuel in mid-air or when taking off or landing; they only do so immediately before they land the plane.

What are the effects of contrails?

Airplanes and the atmosphere The researchers found that contrails have an overall warming effect, acting like a light blanket. “The contrails are trapping more heat in the atmosphere compared to cooling from reflected sunlight,” Spangenberg said. However, Bedka and Spangenberg said that the effect is still quite small.

Why do planes leave white smoke?

Jets leave white trails, or contrails, in their wakes for the same reason you can sometimes see your breath. The hot, humid exhaust from jet engines mixes with the atmosphere, which at high altitude is of much lower vapor pressure and temperature than the exhaust gas.

Do planes dump poop?

Airlines are not allowed to dump their waste tanks in mid-flight, and pilots have no mechanism by which to do so; however, leaks sometimes do occur from a plane’s septic tank.

Why do pilots dump fuel before landing?

The reason to dump fuel is simple: to drop weight. Any given aircraft has a Maximum Landing Weight (MLW) at which it can land, and in most cases that weight is lower than its Maximum Takeoff Weight (MTOW).

What is the purpose of contrails?

The nature and persistence of jet contrails can be used to predict the weather. A thin, short-lived contrail indicates low-humidity air at high altitude, a sign of fair weather, whereas a thick, long-lasting contrail reflects humid air at high altitudes and can be an early indicator of a storm.

What are the potential impacts of contrails on albedo?

If this is generally true, then the albedo cooling effect of contrails would outweigh the greenhouse warming effect, causing some (small) lowering of surface temperatures, especially in areas where the jet aircraft mainly fly during the daytime.

Why do planes stop in mid air?

Why do planes stop in mid air? No a plane doesn’t stop in midair, planes need to keep moving forward to remain in the air (unless they are VTOL capable). What it can do is simply turn around or go over/under the obstruction. VTOL means vertical takeoff and landing.

What causes contrails to form in the air?

In short, contrails are cloud-like streamers frequently observed to form behind aircraft flying in clear, cold, humid air. These condensation trails may form by either of two distinct processes. The first method occurs when water vapor that accompanies the exhaust from a jet engine is added to the atmosphere.

When do you need to use a contrail forecast?

Persistent contrails require a relative humidity with respect to ice (RHI) that exceeds 100%. We know that contrails are sometimes observed in areas where estimates of the RHI are less than 100%. The existence of contrails in those locations highlights the “dry-bias” in the humidity fields of the models.

Why are contrails often called condenstation trails?

So what are Condenstation trails, frequently called Contrails? In short, contrails are cloud-like streamers frequently observed to form behind aircraft flying in clear, cold, humid air. These condensation trails may form by either of two distinct processes.

How can you tell the altitude of a contrail?

The presence of a circle at a particular point simply tells you if the conditions are favorable for contrail formation at the altitude indicated by the color of the circle. The size of the circle only varies so different altitudes can be shown at the same point, but the smaller the circle, the higher the altitude.