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Can your parents take your belongings?

Can your parents take your belongings?

Generally speaking, a parent does not have the right to destroy or convert their child’s property, but until the child is 18, the parent may prevent the child from having access to it. Meaning, it’s probably “ok” for your dad to keep your property…

Can my parents go through my stuff when I’m 18?

When a person turns 18 years of age, they are considered an adult, with all the rights and privileges which come with being an adult. You do that in an adult manner by discussing your feelings with your parents, and letting them know you need your own privacy, including with regard to your phone.

Can a 13 year old own a house?

Yes, a minor child can own a property. As their legal personal representative, you will have the responsibility of managing the property.

Can my parents take my phone if I paid for it?

Yes, they can.

Is it illegal to disobey parents?

By law your parents have full authority to impose rules, expect obedience and punish you for violation or refusal. There are certain exceptions. Things that would cause you or another harm, illegal acts, etc. but generally speaking you do not have any legal rights to disobey.

What do you do with a defiant 17 year old?

10 Strategies for Dealing with a Defiant Teen

  • Tie Privileges to Good Behavior. What your teen might consider as necessities are really privileges that they should have to earn.
  • Avoid Repetition.
  • Enforce Consequences.
  • Have a Plan.
  • Praise Good Behavior.
  • Teach Problem Solving.
  • Focus on One Behavior.
  • Pick your Battles.

Can a 13 year old date a 16 year old?

The question as phrased, the answer is ‘no. ‘ It is not legal. If the 16 year old engages in any sexual conduct with the 13 year old, they could face statutory rape charges and the parental consent assuming there was any would have no bearing…

Can a 14 year old own a house?

Is it illegal for your parents to take away your phone?

You are a minor living in their house so they can legally take your cell phone. If you pay for the phone and service, you can leave your parents’ home and seek housing for yourself.

Is it OK for parents to look through your phone?

It isn’t ethical to pry on them without their knowledge and can lead to a lack of trust in your relationship, possibly even doing irreparable damage in the long term. Even more important is to explain to them in a detailed manner exactly why their phones need to be monitored.

Do I legally have to obey my parents?

Do I legally have to listen to my parents?

Your parents are required by law to provide for your care and upbringing. You, in turn, are required to obey them and follow their rules. If the rules of the house are reasonable under the law—even if they don′t seem reasonable to you—they must be followed.