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How do you respond to Dank je wel?

How do you respond to Dank je wel?

You answer with “dank u wel” in the polite form, or “dank je wel” in the informal way. Often shortened to “dank u” or “dank je”. Also shortened to “bedankt” of “bedankt hoor”.

What is the proper way to say you’re welcome?

10 Ways to Say “You’re Welcome”

  • You got it.
  • Don’t mention it.
  • No worries.
  • Not a problem.
  • My pleasure.
  • It was nothing.
  • I’m happy to help.
  • Not at all.

What is bedankt?

interjection. cheers! [ interjection] (British, informal) thank you.

What is Goodnight Dutch?

More Examples of Good night in Dutch Goedenacht.

What are some Dutch words?

Basic Dutch Phrases

Good Morning Goedemorgen khoo-duh-mawr-ghuh
Good Evening Goedenavond khoo-duh-nah-fohnt
Good Night Goedenacht khoo-duh-nahkht
Hi / Bye Hoi / Hallo / Daag / Doei hoy / hah-loh / dahk / doo-ee
Goodbye Tot ziens toht zeens

What is reply for thank you?

You’re welcome. No problem. No worries. Don’t mention it.

Is bedankt formal or informal?

Saying Thank You in Dutch

Expressions of Thanks Quick Reference
Dank u Thank you (formal)
Bedankt Thank you (no distinction)
Dank je wel or Dank u wel Thanks a lot (informal or informal)
Hartelijk bedankt Heartfelt thanks

What is the meaning of Obrigado?

thank you
‘Obrigado’ means ‘thank you. ‘ As Portuguese is a gender-based language, men say ‘obrigado’ with an ‘o’ at the end, and women say ‘obrigada’ with an ‘a’ at the end.

How do u say goodnight in Polish?

If you wish to say good night, the more formal Polish phrase is ‘dobranoc’ (dough-bra-nots). Alternatively, you could say good evening, ‘dobry wieczor’, pronounced like dough-bry vye-chur.

Which country were the Dutch belong to?

the Netherlands
Over time, English-speaking people used the word Dutch to describe people from both the Netherlands and Germany, and now just the Netherlands today. (At that point in time, in the early 1500s, the Netherlands and parts of Germany, along with Belgium and Luxembourg, were all part of the Holy Roman Empire.)

Is it true that you are welcome in the Netherlands?

Yes indeed, “you’re welcome” is commonly said in The Netherlands and Belgium, and in Dutch it is “graag gedaan”. The literal translation of ‘you are welcome’ into dutch would be ‘je bent welkom’, this is not used in the same way as in English.

Where does the phrase ” You’re welcome ” come from?

GH: You ‘ re welcome. GH: Geen dank. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. is not responsible for their content. English GH: You ‘ re welcome.

What’s the polite way to say’you are welcome’?

Answer Wiki. You answer with “dank u wel” in the polite form, or “dank je wel” in the informal way. Often shortened to “dank u” or “dank je”. Also shortened to “bedankt” of “bedankt hoor”.

How do you say thank you in Belgium?

In Belgium, it is commonest to respond to thanks with “alstublieft”, a parallel usage with the German “bitte schön”, and like that phrase also used when offering something as well as responding to thanks.