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What contributed to the decline of the Indus Valley Civilization quizlet?

What contributed to the decline of the Indus Valley Civilization quizlet?

The Indus Valley Civilization declined because of they thought that there were climate changes. Also there were nomads that came from central Asia (Aryans) which changed the cultural.

What were the major contributions of the Indus River Valley?

The Indus River Valley Civilization, also known as Harappan civilization, developed the first accurate system of standardized weights and measures, some as accurate as to 1.6 mm. Harappans created sculpture, seals, pottery, and jewelry from materials, such as terracotta, metal, and stone.

Who destroyed the Indus Valley Civilization?

Apparently the Indus civillization was likely destroyed by the Indo-European migrants from Iran, the Aryans. The cities of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa were built of fire-baked bricks. Over the centuries the need for wood for brick-making denuded the country side and this may have contributed to the downfall.

When did the Indus Valley civilization collapse quizlet?

One item rarely found in the ruins of Harappan cities was weapons. This sug gests that the Harappans were not only prosperous but also peaceful. When did the Harappan civilization collapse? The Harappan civilization collapsed about 1500 B .

What goods did the Indus Valley Civilization import from their trading network with Sumer quizlet?

What was trade like in Harappa? But Harappa also developed an extensive trading network that extended to Sumer and other civilizations to the west. Textiles and foodstuffs were apparently imported from Sumer in exchange for metals such as copper, lumber, precious stones, and various types of luxury goods.

How did Indus river valley civilizations respond to flooding in their area?

How did Indus River Valley civilizations respond to flooding in their area? Farmers developed irrigation techniques in response to flooding. Traders could travel easily due to the flooding from the monsoons. Cities were easy targets for invasion due to flooding in river systems.

What was life like in the Indus River Valley?

It was very hot in the Indus Valley so people spent a lot of time outside. Most people had small homes which were also used as workshops. There was not much space to relax. Richer families had courtyards.

What caused the decline of Mohenjo-Daro?

Many scholars believe that the collapse of the Indus Valley Civilization was caused by climate change. Some experts believe the drying of the Saraswati River, which began around 1900 BCE, was the main cause for climate change, while others conclude that a great flood struck the area.

Why Mohenjo-Daro is called mound of dead?

The name Mohenjo-daro is reputed to signify “the mound of the dead.” The archaeological importance of the site was first recognized in 1922, one year after the discovery of Harappa. Subsequent excavations revealed that the mounds contain the remains of what was once the largest city of the Indus civilization.

What happened to the people of the Indus River Valley Civilization?

Some historians believed the Indus civilisation was destroyed in a large war. Hindu poems called the Rig Veda (from around 1500 BC) describe northern invaders conquering the Indus Valley cities. It’s more likely that the cities collapsed after natural disasters. Enemies might have moved in afterwards.

What do scientists believe happened to the Indus Valley civilization quizlet?

Scientists are not sure what happened to the Indus River Valley Civilization. The civilization disappeared around 1900 BCE, some scientists believed that invaders destroyed the cities. Other scientists think that natural events, such as a flood or an earthquake, cause the decline. You just studied 20 terms!

What is true of the writing system of the Indus Valley society?

The Indus Script was generally written from right to left. The Indus Script combined both word signs and symbols with phonetic value. This type of writing system is known as “logo-syllabic”, where some symbols express ideas or words while others represent sounds.