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What is the ability of the body to function successfully and efficiently during physical activity exercise Physical fitness muscular strength flexibility?

What is the ability of the body to function successfully and efficiently during physical activity exercise Physical fitness muscular strength flexibility?

We could say that motor skill is, ‘the learned ability to perform in a physical activity efficiently, successfully, and consistently’.

What is the ability of body parts to work together when you perform an activity?

Coordination: The ability to use one’s senses together with one’s body parts, or to use twoor more body parts together.

What is the ability to sustain physical activity?

Stamina is the mental and physical ability to sustain an activity for a long period. When people talk about stamina, they often use it to refer to the feeling of being peppy or energetic while doing an activity. Endurance refers to your body’s physical capability to sustain an exercise for an extended period.

Is Physical fitness the ability to function at optimal efficiency?

What is physical fitness? Physical fitness is the capacity of the heart, lungs, and muscles to function at optimum efficiency (the human body to work at its best). It is important for health, physical performance, and mental well-being.

What are the related terms of physical activity?


  • action.
  • amusement.
  • athletics.
  • ball.
  • disport.
  • diversion.
  • exercise.
  • frolic.

Why do you think physical activity influence or affect you as a person?

Physical activity or exercise can improve your health and reduce the risk of developing several diseases like type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease. Physical activity and exercise can have immediate and long-term health benefits. Most importantly, regular activity can improve your quality of life.

What are the 12 components of physical fitness?

Titles Included:

The Components of Physical Fit Agility
Cardio-Vascular Endurance Co-ordination
Flexibility Muscular Endurance
Power Reaction Time
Speed Strength

What is the best exercise to improve flexibility?

5 Best Workouts to Make You More Flexible

  1. Take a yoga class. Yoga reduces stress and allows you to focus by using breath control, simple meditation and bodily postures.
  2. Go for dynamic stretching over static stretching.
  3. Try tai chi.
  4. Add stretch bands to your routine.
  5. Follow up with foam rollers.

What are the 3 main types of physical activity?

There are three kinds of fitness:

  • Aerobic fitness. Aerobic activities condition your heart and lungs.
  • Muscle strengthening. Stronger muscles can mean either more powerful muscles that can do bigger jobs (such as lifting heavier weights) or muscles that will work longer before becoming exhausted (endurance).
  • Flexibility.

How can affect different physical activities in our body?

What are the important terms of physical education?

Terms in this set (23)

  • physical education. The sequential educational program that teaches students to:
  • physical activity.
  • physical fitness.
  • Academic Learning Time (ALT)
  • Adapted Physical Education (APE)
  • aerobic activity.
  • anaerobic activity.
  • body composition.

Which of the following is a principle of physical fitness?

The principles of physical training are: Principle 01: Specificity. Principle 02: Overload. Principle 03: Adaptation (Rest and Recovery).

How does physiological fitness relate to physical activity?

Physiological fitness focuses not on how the body completes a physical activity but on how it changes in response to physical activity. For example, as physical activity increases, the heart and lungs in the cardiorespiratory system become healthier. Increased cardiorespiratory health lowers your risk of disease.

What makes it easier to participate in physical activity?

Having skill-related fitness abilities may make it easier to participate in physical activity. is the ability to move the body with speed and accuracy. Sports teams often use agility as a screening test.

How are health and fitness related in Physical Education?

a health-related component of physical fitness but the balance is skill-related. is your ability to develop and use small muscle movements, called fine motor skills, to participate in sports. Having skill-related fitness abilities may make it easier to participate in physical activity. is the ability to move the body with speed and accuracy.

Is the evidence for physical activity irrefutable?

While more can always be learned, the evidence for the health benefits of physical activity is irrefutable (HHS, 1996, 2008).