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Which part of the mollusk contains the heart digestive and reproductive organs?

Which part of the mollusk contains the heart digestive and reproductive organs?

One of the most distinctive anatomical features characteristic of mollusks is a true coelom, a body cavity that contains most of the vital organs. The digestive tract, heart, liver, and reproductive organs are all housed inside the coelom.

What is the excretory organ of the clam where in the body is it located?

Where in the body is it located? The excretory organ of bivalves is the kidney or nephridium which is located ventral to the heart.

Where are the internal organs located in a clam?

Like all mollusks, a clam has a mantle which surrounds its soft body. It also has a muscular foot which enables the clam to burrow itself in mud or sand. The soft tissue above the foot is called the visceral mass and contains the clam’s body organs.

What body part encloses the excretory organs the heart and part of the intestines of a mollusc?

But molluscs have developed a true coelom, an internal body cavity enclosed by mesodermal membranes. The coelom in molluscs, however, is strangely reduced to a small space around the heart, sometimes called a hemocoel.

How do bivalves reproduce?

Marine bivalves reproduce by releasing prodigious numbers of eggs and sperm into the water, where external fertilization occurs. The fertilized eggs then float in the surface plankton. Within 48 hours after fertilization, the embryo develops into a minute, planktonic, trochophore larvae.

What is the mantle used for?

The mantle is highly muscular. In cephalopods the contraction of the mantle is used to force water through a tubular siphon, the hyponome, and this propels the animal very rapidly through the water. In gastropods it is used as a kind of “foot” for locomotion over the surface.

How does the foot of a bivalve differ from the foot of a cephalopod or the foot of a snail?

The foot of the bivalve is one singular mass. Its main purpose is for burrowing or digging. The cephalopod foot is made up of tentacle and sucker like structure that are used for locomotion as well as for hunting prey. The snail foot is also one singular mass but is used mainly for crawling like movements.

What is the body part of clam?

Clams are marine mollusks with two valves or shells. Like all mollusks, a clam has a mantle which surrounds its soft body. It also has a muscular foot which enables the clam to burrow itself in mud or sand. The soft tissue above the foot is called the visceral mass and contains the clam’s body organs.

How do you tell the sides of a clam?

The left valve is on top if your clam is correctly positioned. The siphons are at the posterior end. If the siphons are not visible, determine which is the ventral side by using the umbo. The umbo is the bump on the top of the shell.

What kind of body does a clam have?

Clams are an invertebrate animal belonging to the phylum Mollusca. More specifically, they are a bivalve mollusk, meaning they have two shells. These two shells are called valves, and their job is to protect the clam’s soft inner body parts. This squamosa clam has a blue body and white valves.

What are the parts of the clam excretory system?

Their excretory system includes several body parts, including a bladder, a kidney-like structure called nephridia, and a part called a siphon, which passes their waste products and water out of their bodies. To unlock this lesson you must be a Member.

Where do marine clams live in fresh water?

Marine clams live in fresh water, like lakes or streams. ( (Salt, oceans)) Clam. Class and phylum Bivalves. Mollusk. Parts. Top left going counterclockwise. Umbo. Foot. Intestines.

Why do clams have bladder and nephridia?

Like humans, clams have a bladder to store urine and kidney-like body parts called nephridia that help to filter the body’s waste products. They are much simpler in structure than human kidneys, but serve much the same purpose.