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How do plastic wastes affect our environment?

How do plastic wastes affect our environment?

A small percentage of plastic waste is addressed with thermal destruction (burning it), most of the plastics discarded end up in landfills or elsewhere in the environment. Thermal destruction releases toxic fumes and chemicals into the environment, reducing air quality and creating a public health risk.

How does waste disposal affect the environment?

Poor waste management contributes to climate change and air pollution, and directly affects many ecosystems and species. Landfills, considered the last resort in the waste hierarchy, release methane, a very powerful greenhouse gas linked to climate change.

What is the environmental impact of dumping plastic into the oceans?

Marine shipping and fishing industries Plastic waste is often washed to shores from ships and nets used for fishing, which — you guessed it — are usually made from plastic. Not only does this plastic pollute the water, but marine animals can become trapped in nets and/or swallow the toxic particles.

How does waste disposal affects human health?

Inadequately disposed rubbish could trigger off mortality, cancer, and even reproductive health issues. The results showed that improper waste management affected both nearby and faraway residents with related diseases such as chest pains, diarrhoea and cholera.

How can we avoid using plastic?


  1. Avoid single-use plastics such as drinking straws.
  2. If you go shopping, remember to take a cloth bag.
  3. Recycle chewing gum… it’s also make of plastic!
  4. Buy more bulk food and fewer packaged products.
  5. Replace plastic Tupperware for glass or steel containers.

What are the positive impacts of plastic?

Plastic packaging helps protect and preserve goods, while reducing weight in transportation, which saves fuel and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. From computers and cell phones to televisions and microwaves, durable, lightweight and affordable plastics have helped revolutionize the electronics we rely on every day.

What are the effects of illegal plastic dumping?

Effects of illegal plastic dumping on animals and wildlife. Similarly, dumping of plastic bottle and waste have devastating effects on the environment. Most of these plastic bottles end up on the shores of our beaches where animals and sea creatures suffer as a result of our poor habits.

How are landfills especially plastics affect our environment?

According to EPA, every bit of plastic ever made still exists. The trash which ends in the landfills is either not disposed properly or recycled. Now the landfills travel to the ocean either by humans or wind. Statistics say that by 2050, there will be more plastics than the fish in the oceans.

How does illegal dumping affect plants and animals?

Plants and wildlife – Illegal dumping can adversely affect many native species of plants and animals. If animals consume waste from illegal dump sites it can cause health complications and even death.

How does illegal dumping of rubbish affect the environment?

The toxins from waste can leach into the surrounding environment, killing plants and destroying the food source of local animals. Marine – Illegal dumping near waterways can cause oceanic pollution. In rural or remote areas in poorer countries, rubbish disposal facilities are often completely absent.