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What is another name for an information disclosure?

What is another name for an information disclosure?

Disclosure Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for disclosure?

divulgence revelation
picture revealment
rundown self-disclosure
snitch squeal
tip tip-off

What is the word for revealing something?

Some common synonyms of reveal are betray, disclose, divulge, and tell. While all these words mean “to make known what has been or should be concealed,” reveal may apply to supernatural or inspired revelation of truths beyond the range of ordinary human vision or reason.

What is the synonym of disclosure?

Some common synonyms of disclose are betray, divulge, reveal, and tell. While all these words mean “to make known what has been or should be concealed,” disclose may imply a discovering but more often an imparting of information previously kept secret.

What is it called when a secret is revealed?

divulge. verb. formal to give information about something, especially something that should be kept secret.

What is another word for full disclosure?

What is another word for full disclosure?

whole truth complete honesty
complete truthfulness full report

What is another word for non disclosure?

What is another word for nondisclosure?

confidentiality non-divulgence
privacy secrecy
secretness nonrevealing

What are three synonyms for revealing?


  • expose.
  • display.
  • unveil.
  • unearth.
  • exhibit.
  • unmask.
  • flash.
  • What’s a word for not revealing?

    What is another word for not disclose?

    suppress conceal
    veil withhold
    cover up keep hidden
    keep secret outlaw
    proscribe blot out

    What is revealing a secret?

    1 : to make known through divine inspiration. 2 : to make (something secret or hidden) publicly or generally known reveal a secret.

    What does re mean in reveal?

    To reveal again or a further time.

    What does full disclosure mean?

    Full disclosure is the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) requirement that publicly traded companies release and provide for the free exchange of all material facts that are relevant to their ongoing business operations.

    What is another word for confidentiality?

    What is another word for confidentiality?

    secrecy privacy
    concealment discretion
    secretness clandestineness
    secretiveness covertness
    stealth clandestinity

    What do you mean by ” personal information “?

    What is personal information? Personal information includes a broad range of information, or an opinion, that could identify an individual. What is personal information will vary, depending on whether a person can be identified or is reasonably identifiable in the circumstances. For example, personal information may include:

    Is the name of a person considered personal data?

    In these cases, those two pieces of information together wouldn’t be considered personal data. However, it’s highly unlikely that this information would be stored without a specific identifier, such as the person’s name or payroll number. Names aren’t always considered personal data

    Why do people disclose personal information on TV?

    Social Influence self disclosing can be an effective compliance gaining strategy, in addition to disclosing to help ourselves, people reveal personal information to help others; guests who disclose personal information on a tv show do so because their primary motive is to be evangelical Self-Defense

    What should I do if I think my information is personal?

    If you’re unsure whether the information you store is personal data or not, it’s best to err on the side of caution. This means making sure that the processing of personal data is limited to what is necessary and keeping data for only as long as it meets its purpose.