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What are the importance of Northern plain Class 9?

What are the importance of Northern plain Class 9?

It is the most fertile plain in India. It is a densely populated physiographic division having a population of around 400 million according to the survey. It is agriculturally a productive part of India because of the rich soil cover, adequate supply of water, and a favorable climate.

What are the three important feature of the northern plain?

It has the largest tract of 3200 km of alluvial soil in the world. ii. It is formed by flooding of three major rivers- Indus, Ganga and Brahmaputra. It is drained by many other rivers like Yamuna, Ghaghara, Gandak etc.

What is special about Northern plain?

This plain is very fertile, and a very sizeable part of the Indian population lives in innumerable villages and several big cities in this region. This plain is made up of the soils brought down and deposited by the rivers flowing from the Himalayas in the North and the Great Indian Plateau in the South.

What is the importance of northern plains to the Indian economy?

Northern plains are important for indian economy . Why? Alluvial deposits in plains makes the land very fertile which is the reason that they are most suitable for growing crops. The Ganga, the Indus and the Brahmaputra along with their branches provide continuous water supply in these regions.

What is the importance of Northern?

The importance of Northern mountains in India are given below : It is the most prominent source for Glacial rivers – enough rainfall and vast snow-fields in these mountains are the source of perennial rivers. The melting of the snow provides enough water during the season.

What are the main features of Northern plains?

Northern plains :

  • Very fertile and suitable for agricultural activities.
  • plain area suitable for building infrastructure.
  • very suitable climate all through the year.
  • major rivers like ganga and Brahmaputra flow through.
  • located at a very suitable location according to earths latitudinal extent.

What are the main features of northern plain?

The North Indian Plains are consistently level plains of highly fertile and deep alluvial soil which increases in thickness from west to east.

  • They have a mild climate and a very gentle slope.
  • Because of high fertility, this region is agriculturally very important for the country.
  • What are the feature of northern plain?

    ☆They are very fertile due to the presence of alluvial soil. ☆The northern plains are formed by the deposits brought by the three major rivers and their tributaries. ☆The plain mostly comprise of flat land. ☆Northern plains are the world’s most intensely farmed areas.

    What is the another name of Northern plain?

    Indo-Gangetic Plain, also called North Indian Plain, extensive north-central section of the Indian subcontinent, stretching westward from (and including) the combined delta of the Brahmaputra River valley and the Ganges (Ganga) River to the Indus River valley.

    What are the three parts of the northern plains?

    It has three sections — Upper Ganga Plain, Middle Ganga plain and Delta.

    How do northern plains help us?

    Northern Plains have fertile soil which is needed to grow crops. They are drained by rivers Ganga, Brahmaputra, Indus. The northern plains in general and Punjab in particular is the wheat bowl of India.

    What are the advantages of northern mountain?