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What is the best item for Lee Sin?

What is the best item for Lee Sin?

Youmuu’s Ghostblade is a great item for Lee Sin, this item allows him to move around the map a lot quicker and deal a lot of damage early on. He is at his strongest during the early game so it’s really important to try and get them early ganks off to get an early lead on the enemy.

How do I start Lee Sin?

One great point is that Lee Sin can easily survive by starting at either buff. Typically I like to start at bot side for 2 reasons. Starting top side is also a viable option if you are looking to match the enemy jungle, counter jungle, or even cheese gank.

Is Lee Sin supposed to do a lot of damage?

Lee isn’t meant to excel in damage. He is meant to do decent damage to squishies if the conditions are right. Otherwise your job in mid to late game is to setup insec kicks on the enemy backline characters. Most lee’s will go tracker’s jungle item with warrior or cinderhaulk, maybe hydra, then tank items.

How many games does it take to learn Lee Sin?

Check out his win rate by games played on He’s above 50% by 50 games, so I’d suggest 50. i used to play the training mode thingy to learn mechanics, when i first started. from there its just learning jungle pathing , calculate dmg and adapt to situations.

Is Lee Sin bad in s11?

Lee Sin 11.19 Lee Sin Build 11.19 ranks as an B-Tier pick for the Jungle role in Season 11. This champion currently has a Win Rate of 47.57% (Bad), Pick Rate of 9.25% (High), and a Ban Rate of 1.4% (Medium).

Does Lee Sin start blue or red?

It’s common to see Lee Sin (and other energy junglers) start at red buff. This gives him a very strong gank early in the game. He’s not mana-dependent, so he doesn’t need blue buff to sustain him through the jungle.

Is Lee Sin weak?

In fact, Lee’s kit is so damn powerful that he must have weaknesses, even during his early game. Lee’s only current weakness is that he can miss, so it is completely reliant on player error.

Is electrocute Lee Sin good?

Electrocute: Lee Sin is a champion that wants to be really bursty early on, and this is the best keystone for that. Sudden Impact: Since Lee Sin tends to start fights with either Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike or Safeguard / Iron Will, this rune is perfect for him.

Why did Lee Sin fall off?

Lee “falls off” in the sense that his 5v5 team fighting is rather lackluster regardless of building tanky or damage. In a 5v5 scenario he has no reliable way to reach the enemy backline, so even if he did build damage to augment his ridiculous AD ratios he has no way of getting that damage onto the carries.

Which is the best Lee Sin build guide?

Find the best Lee Sin build guides for League of Legends S11 Patch 11.14. The MOBAFire community works hard to keep their LoL builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Lee Sin build for the S11 meta. Learn more about Lee Sin’s abilities, skins, or even ask your own questions to the community!

What does Lee Sin do in League of Legends?

For 4 seconds, Lee Sin gains 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30% lifesteal and spell vamp. Lee Sin smashes the ground, sending out a shockwave that deals 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 / 220 (+1.0 per bonus attack damage) magic damage and reveals enemy units hit for 4 seconds.

When to use iron will on Lee Sin?

After using Safeguard, Lee Sin can cast Iron Will for the next 3 seconds. Iron Will (30 energy): Lee Sin’s intense training allows him to thrive in battle. For 5 seconds, Lee Sin gains 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 % lifesteal and spell vamp.

What happens when Lee Sin uses safeguard on himself?

When Lee Sin uses Safeguard on himself or another champion, the cooldown of this spell is reduced by 50%. Lee Sin’s intense training allows him to thrive in battle. For 4 seconds, Lee Sin gains 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30% lifesteal and spell vamp.